Arnold Dan Mazy - 12/02/00 06:05:24 My address: 3513 Surrey Ln city: Brownwood state: Texas zip: 76801 What names are you researching?: Mazy | Comments: I am the son of Harold Mazy of Blossom Texas I have a brother Harold Wayne Mazy, Tyler Tx I have a sister Elizabeth Ann (Mazy) Langley, Sparks, Nevada My mother was Mary Elizabeth (Brooks) Mazy Mother and father are both dead. This might be of interest to you thanks for the site information. |
- 08/18/00 14:08:33 | Comments: |
Mazy François - 08/18/00 14:08:18 My address: 1, rue Maurice Berteaux city: Croissy-sur-Seine state: France What names are you researching?: Mazy | Comments: I am born neau Charleville (Department of Ardennes in France. My family branch is situated in France and Belgium and I search informations about this branch.I can give you the results of my search and I'd like to get your own tree. Best regards François |
Jerry Blauer - 08/09/00 23:15:37 My URL: My address: 8927 South Darlington Avenue city: Tulsa state: Oklahoma zip: 74137 phone: 918-494-0503 What names are you researching?: Fullmer names in general | Comments: My great-grandfather, James Montgomer Fullmer was also a child of David Fullmer. His house, built about 1861, in Salt Lake City, UT is still standing, but I expect it to be demolished in the next year or two. It is at 365 West 400 South. It is surround d by a couple of additions and some illegal storage sheds, so it is difficult to see. Its entrance is boarded up and faces south. The original brick structure has a red brick exterior and stone wall interior. It is in pretty rough shape. It is inhabit d by a hermit and supposedly owned by Russ. He can be reached by calling 801-359-6108, 801-942-1679, or 801-859-5590. A model of it is in the diarama of Salt Lake City, circa 1870, in the L.D.S. Church Museum of History And Art. I have been interested n getting descendants to purchase the property and renovate, or restore it, as he held many positions of importance in early Utah and L.D.S. church history. |
Denise Mcdonald - 08/06/00 19:07:35 My state: TX zip: 76821 What names are you researching?: robinson, mazy | Comments: Margie Mazy robinson is my grandmother and i really look forward to learning more about my family tree. Thanks, Denise |
Arthur Fullmer - 07/15/00 05:48:13 | Comments: I see some of mine line (read next guest) needs work to get names right. your site helped a lot thanks. |
Arthur Fullmer - 07/15/00 05:34:53 My city: St Anthony state: ID zip: 83445 phone: 208-624-7095 What names are you researching?: Fullmer, Follmer, Vollmer. | Comments: here is my tree (wife, I know some had more than one but I only have my line): Hans Joerg Vollmer born 1646,(Anna Catherine Shlotterbeck):Hans Joerg(sp)Vollmer born 1665,(Anna Beck): Johann Jaacob Vollmer (Justine Catherina Kaercher): Johannes Follmer (An a Julianna Kessler): Peter Fullmer (Susannah Zerfass): Almon linus Fullmer born 1816 (Sarah Ann Ffollett): Almon Linus Fullmer (Jane Eleanor Griffiths): Oscar tillman Fullmer (Lavina Ricks): Theron Fullmer (Ardelle Maifeld)then yours truly. Great site an i have a lot of Geneology from Oscar Fullmer down. They had large families lets try to fill in the gaps. and I hope to get to a Peter Fullmer reunion sometime. |
Darren Fullmer - 07/14/00 14:32:59 My state: Ne. What names are you researching?: Ira Fullmer | Comments: |
Chris Gorham - 02/10/00 04:32:31 My What names are you researching?: Vollmar's of ohio | Comments: My name is Tom Vollmaar and I just left my sister email address. She is trying to put together a family tree of the Vollmar's of Ohio. We know our family came from Germany in 1954 and eventually settled in Ohio. If you could email her and give her any ssistance or ideas it would be appreciated. My email address is and Thanks for your consideration in answering this email. |
Michael Fullmer - 01/21/00 00:00:16 My address: 4639 West 8450 South city: West Jordan state: Utah zip: 84088 What names are you researching?: Leon Fullmer | Comments: An interesting site, I wish I had time to do this type of research. I do know that I am a decendant of Peter Fullmer Thanks |
Lise Fulmer-McNeil - 01/15/00 01:09:30 My What names are you researching?: Jost Fu;mer/Follmer/Vollmer | Comments: |
Mary Helen Fullmer Gould - 01/09/00 21:57:24 My My What names are you researching?: Fullmer | Comments: Wonderful site! I (or should I say "you") have opened a great big wide genealogy door for me. My father was Alma Fullmer who was the son of Eugene Bertrund Fullmer who was the son of David Fullmer who was the son of Peter Fullmer and the rest on back I ot from you! I greatly appreciate the work you have done in this research. I noticed from reading your guestbook that a "Randy Thompson" said he had information going way back from the "Friendship." Do you have any of that information, and if so, would you be willing to share. Can I offer you any of the genealogy that I have from David Fullmer on down to my family? I would love to contribute if you are interested. Once again, many thanks! |
- 01/09/00 21:50:15 | Comments: |
AnnJanette Fullmer Passmore - 12/27/99 03:49:07 My address: 3635 Brookfield Lane city: Idaho Falls state: Idaho zip: 83406 What names are you researching?: William Reid Fullmer | Comments: |
Dennis Keplinger - 12/20/99 03:06:00 My What names are you researching?: Nesselrodt/Vollmer/vallmer/Beck | Comments: My GGGGgrandfather,Frederick Nesselrodt m. Elizabeth Vallmer of Ludwick Vallmer of Hans Vollmer of Kohlstetten,Wuerttemberg, Germany. I have been told that the Vollmer's go back to Jacob Beck born 1602 same city. |
Debbie Fridge Ramsey - 11/03/99 20:34:21 My URL: My What names are you researching?: Fridge | Comments: Saw you were looking for info on Fridge in LA. My family is from Acension Parish, LA. If you are interested check out my web site or e-mail me. I am kind of stuck, because they don't show on the census past a certain time period. |
christian vollmar - 10/28/99 10:55:02 My | Comments: hi! my name is christian vollmar and i am from germany. i found your page and now i am wondering if we have got the same family line in some way... my dad's name is hans-joachim vollmar, he has got five brothers (detlef, wolfgang, peter, lothar, fritz) and a sister (gudrun) and he is 57 years old. his father, my grandfather died in wwII and i never got to meet him. i think he had some brothers too. if it is of any interest for you i ll find out more about him and his brohters and parents... we have got a family tree at home which goes back until the 17th century but i dont have the names on my mind right now... i hope you understand my english and i hope to maybe hear from you. yours... christian vollmar ps. could not sent an e-mail...didnt work! |
DAWN FULLMER - 09/11/99 02:04:20 address: 8051 4TH STR. | Comments: |
Charles Fullmer - 08/23/99 02:48:49 My Email:c-cfullmer address: 47800 8th ave city: Bloomingdale state: Michigan zip: 49026 phone: (616) 5213417 What names are you researching?: Jim Fullmer | Comments: |
joseph smith jr. - 07/27/99 06:31:37 My address: 13 N. Nephi Drive city: nauvoo state: IL zip: 90210 phone: 1-800-prophet What names are you researching?: you should know | Comments: |
Scott McKee - 07/05/99 22:41:23 My address: P.O. Box 141 city: Chino Valley state: AZ zip: 86323 phone: 520-635-9972 What names are you researching?: N/A-Just Surfing | Comments: 1- Page looks good!! 2- Use a spell-checker now and then......:) 3- Have you changed your email address lately? Not for the webpage--just for mail. Keep smilin'!--Scott |
Allen Fullmer - 07/04/99 16:42:33 My city: Menan state: ID zip: 83434 phone: 2087548713 What names are you researching?: Fullmer | Comments: Great page, I am looking forward to meeting several unknown relatives at the Peter Fullmer Reunion in Penn. June 2000 |
Desirae Porter - 06/06/99 03:57:28 My address: Rt. 5 Box 245-A city: Gordo state: AL zip: 35466 What names are you researching?: John Solomon Fullmer | Comments: Great website. I am the great, great, great granddaughter of John Solomon and Sarah Ann Fullmer. |
Phillip Mazey - 04/21/99 10:09:17 My What names are you researching?: Mazey | Comments: Interesting. Our lot went to Wales from France, according to family tradition, around the time of the religious wars in the latter country. Later some emigrated to Australia, from where I now write. Cheers Phil Mazey |
Gene Ray Osden - 04/15/99 14:49:13 My address: San Nicolas city: Cavite state: Philippines zip: 4102 What names are you researching?: Osden | Comments: just want to know if we have relatives somewhere in this world |
Melissa Fullmer - 04/13/99 19:16:28 My address: 3346 E. 650 N. city: Menan state: Idaho zip: 83434 phone: 1(208)754-4133 What names are you researching?: Norris Fullmer on down | Comments: I would just like to know who his kids and his kids kids and so on are. I think that I am going to do some other research on it later. Thank you. Melissa Fullmer |
Chante' Mazy - 04/13/99 05:41:42 My state: Texas | Comments: Hi, I'm Chante' Mazy, the great-granddaughter of William Lee and granddaughter of Harold Arnold. My grandfather, Harold, is 85-years-old and living in Waxahachie, Texas. He was born in Paris, Texas. I would be glad to share more family history with you concerning this branch of the Mazy family tree. My husband and I put our two last names together and created a new tap root on the old family tree. Our children are the Mazyboltons. I look forward to hearing from you. |
Carol Norine Fullmer Halm - 04/04/99 19:50:04 My address: 2810 Red Mountain Dr. city: Santa Clara state: Utah zip: 84765 phone: 435-674-7677 | Comments: just looking at what's been done.... |
Justin Paul Fullmer - 01/12/99 08:26:15 My city: longview state: washington zip: 98632 What names are you researching?: fullmer | Comments: Great page! Just wanted to check it out to see if any of my relatives are listed. I was born in Murry, UT on 1-4-77 and now live in Washington State. I am also looking for my birth father, Vaughn Paul Page. Any info on my family roots, or my father, p ease e-mail me at Thanks! By the way, GREAT WORK!! |
Clarence Surface - 12/09/98 17:23:15 My What names are you researching?: Zerfass | Comments: Great site! Keep up the good work. |
Justin Follmer - 11/26/98 23:24:03 My Email:----- address: ----- city: so. wmspt state: pa zip: 17702 phone: ----- What names are you researching?: follmer | Comments: I was just wandering about my family. Thats all. bye. |
Mazy Yvette - 11/20/98 16:14:44 My URL: My address: T'Serclaesstraat 17 city: TERNAT state: Belgium zip: B 1740 phone: +32-2-581.07.34 What names are you researching?: POLARD and MAZY | Comments: Happy to discover our cousins in US ! All the best from Belgium Yvette Polard Mazy |
Wanda Pace - 11/13/98 16:23:25 My What names are you researching?: PACE | Comments: I'm just starting to locate anything on my husbands' family. His grandfather's name was Edwin PACE He was married to Elizabeth BENNETT before 1893. Children were: Harold PACE, Buel Stanley PACE, Sylvia PACE, Phoebe PACE, Gordon PACE, Delbert PACE, Ralph PACE. Buel Stanley PACE is my husbands' father! Buel Stanley PACE was born on 9 Nov 1895. He died on 16 Nov 1973 in Salt Lake City, UT. Parents: Edwin PACE and Elizabeth BENNETT. He was married to Eleanor D. CUNNINGHAM in 1918. Children were: Buella (Boots) PACE, Russell D. PACE, Robert Edwin PACE. Robert Edwin PACE b. Nov 6, 1924. Parents: Buel Stanley PACE and Eleanor D. CUNNINGHAM. Robert Edwin is my husband! |
John Fullmer - 11/09/98 21:30:49 My | Comments: I'm a decsendent of Almon Linus Fullmer and Sarah Ann Follet, do you have information on their family tree? |
MAZY Laurent - 10/06/98 20:35:30 My address: 71,rue Severine city: LE KREMLIN BICETRE state: FRANCE zip: 94270 What names are you researching?: Mazy | Comments: You've done a great job by doing this research. Do you know that there is also a city which called MAZY in Belgium? May be one of us created this city ? |
Name: Bad Bunny | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.
MAZY Katia - 09/07/98 14:53:39 My address: Av. Louis Braille city: Nice state: France What names are you researching?: Mazy | Comments: Congratulations for the great job you've done Kris. I am from the French branch of the Mazy's and myself and my familly are still living in France, We will be pleased to correspond with anybody interested in our Family. Hope to read you soon. |
Edward J. Fullmer Sr. - 08/23/98 19:09:11 My address: 263 city: Goodland state: Fl. zip: 34140 What names are you researching?: Albert,Frank Fullmer | Comments: Albert Born Sept. 23,1916 in Phila. Penn. |
My name is Kara. Just dropped by while surfing your GeoCities neighborhood. This stuff is great. Anyway, I noticed you had a guestbook, so I figure I would plug my web site - Kara's DynamicSex. Check it out sometime!
Henry E. Fullmer - 07/10/98 16:52:34 My address: 1100 W. 79th St. city: Kansas City state: MO | Comments: Great page. My grandfather was adopted by the Fullmers in SW PA. I still have relatives in Uniontown and Point Marion. Keep up the good work. |
Michelle Strong - 07/04/98 18:06:42 My address: 193 w. 100 s. city: manti state: utah What names are you researching?: Fullmers | Comments: I would like to know of any biographies on the Fullmers.Especially John Solomon Fullmer. |
Jerry D. Wells - 06/15/98 02:11:19 My address: 2554 Green Street city: Salt Lake City state: UT zip: 84106 phone: 801-485-2554 What names are you researching?: Fullmer/Follmer, etc | Comments: Hi: It was Randy Thompson that led me to this site. As the Peter Fullmer family genealogist, I am anxious to get an official web site so that we can get the most accurate and complete information available so far as we can. I actually have two cousins, Glen Fullmer, mentioned by Randy, and Steve Fullmer. I'm confident that we will have something ready to go before too long. In the meantime, in preparation for a major publication we're working on, I'm anxious to contact any descendants from any of Peter's siblings of cousins so that we can include their branches of the family in our book. And if anyone would like to be added to the Peter Fullmer Family mailing list, please contact David Fullmer, 3919 Nordin Avenue, Ogden, UT 84403. Those on the mailing list receive free the semi-annual family newsletter. |
Randall L. Thompson - 06/15/98 00:49:35 My address: 1571 Poplar Dr. city: Mohave Valley state: Arizona zip: 86440 phone: 520-768-7327 What names are you researching?: Mary Anne Babcock | Comments: Howdy Cousin, I am decended from the Peter Fullmer too! John S.-Olive Amanda Smith >> James Dickens-Mary Ann Babcock >> Van Oscar-Lydia Eldora Davis >> Von Leon-Venna May Boren >> Phyllis May-Mansel Monroe Thompson >> Randall Leon Thompson (me0. A couple of cousins and i are also in the process of getting a Fullmer family site on the NET and just happened to run into yours going through a few sites. They are Glen Fullmer, and Jerry Wells, Check out lens home page and stuff at! He's an interesting kinda guy. I'm going to tell them about your site as well. Keep up the good work, you have a lot more to go as do I. I am in the process of finding out more about Mary Ann Babcock, who her parents are, etc. I've got an almost complete genealogical record of the Fullmer family back beyond the Friendship, it's just that Jerry and I need to make sure all our stuff compare and is as accurate as possible. Jerry is the Peter Family Historian and has been doing research for a long time. Anyway, I'm going to e-mail them the directions to your site right now so don't be su prised when you hear from them. Randy Thompson |
Chris Mazey - 06/08/98 20:17:52 My What names are you researching?: mazey,mcginty,shmulak,shum | Comments: Ive always been told that Mazey is a welsh name, like most names that end in ey. But yours is spelled different. What other places have you found this name? PS very enjoyable site! |
Terry Follmer - 06/03/98 02:43:06 My address: 412 Cumnock Rd. city: Inverness state: IL zip: 60067 phone: 847.359.5107 What names are you researching?: Follmer | Comments: I have a typewritten family history beginning with Jacob Vollmar, b.1665. It also includes a writeup on the Follmer Church near Milton, PA. If you don't have it I can send it to you. Terry Follmer |
Domino Gonzalez - 04/26/98 02:32:33 My address: 823 Linden Ave #305 city: Long Beach state: CA zip: 90813 phone: 562 491 1133 | Comments: Hey Kris! Finally got a chance to see it. Take Care. |
Grandma Harrison - 04/10/98 22:03:11 My Email:K6sfp city: Hesperia state: Calif zip: 92345 | Comments: Great job, Kris. Can't wait to see you soon. Love, Grandma |
Grandma Harrison - 04/10/98 22:01:56 My Email:K6sfp city: Hesperia state: Calif zip: 92345 | Comments: Great job, Kris. Can't wait to see you soon. Love, Grandma |
Anthony (Tony) Mazy - 04/08/98 00:22:48 My URL:/Hollywood/Lot/3014 My city: Ft.Worth state: Texas What names are you researching?: Mazy | Comments: Hey Great site! Keep up the GREAT work...Looks like you've done tons of research. I'll be back often to see what else you've found... :-) |
wayne mazy - 04/07/98 23:43:08 My address: 314 w. rusk st city: tyler state: tx zip: 75701 phone: 903-592-7022 What names are you researching?: mazy | Comments: Thanks for the email. I had found out that I was of french desent, but that was all. My dad is Harold, grandfather william lee G.m. Eula ann arnold. my dad is 84 and lives in waxahachie texas. i'll copy this and he will enjoy. you've just opened up the pa t for me. wayne. |
Anthony Mazy - 04/06/98 15:03:51 My state: California What names are you researching?: Mazy (Hungarian). Also: Triplet, Dunn, and Willis, all out of SW Missouri. | Comments: An excellent site! Congratulations on your efforts and good work. I should hope to do as well with my side. |
James A. Mazy - 04/06/98 14:57:58 My URL:http:// none yet My address: 6122 Shasta Street city: Englewood state: FL zip: 34224 phone: 1-941-474-9431 What names are you researching?: none yet | Comments: Excellent page... You did alot of research. I myself am from the Hungarian branch of the Mazy tree. |
Marianne Fulmer Pursell - 04/06/98 03:17:02 My city: Milton state: PA zip: 17847 What names are you researching?: Fulmer/Fullmer, Pursell, Lisson, Harriman, Turner | Comments: Great page! I live quite near the Follmer Lutheran Church in Northumberland County, but it isn't my branch. |
Jan Mazy - 04/04/98 21:53:45 My | Comments: Looks great! |
Megan Hollingsworth - 04/03/98 19:33:16 My | Comments: Kris, what an awsome page! I find it interesting that you've done family history. It's truely important. I wish more people would, it would help us to better understand ourselves. |
Ricci-d - 04/03/98 00:36:47 My URL: My state: Texas | Comments: VERY impressive Kris. I'm glad I'm one of the many (I'm sure) that you sent the URL to. Someday maybe mine might look as good........*S* |
Pat Calton - 04/02/98 11:01:18 My URL: My state: Missouri What names are you researching?: Calton,Cahill, Powell, Isom, Hibdon, Nance, McCasland McFarland & many more | Comments: Neat Page. Just remember building web pages can be addicting. LOL (PJ51 from chat) |
Benji " I'm one bad assed stud" Tarver - 04/02/98 06:46:19 My URL:http://not done yet My Email:you know it address: here or there What names are you researching?: playboy | Comments: HI |
Waddie *Bos'n Mate* Salmon - 04/02/98 06:28:37 My URL: My city: Lynchburg state: Virginia What names are you researching?: Salmon, Burnett, Mason, Carwile and Hudson | Comments: Hi KMazy! Looks like someome has been very busy creating a super web site! I'm truly impressed with what I see here! |
Cathy Patterson - 04/02/98 05:52:44 My city: Portland state: OR What names are you researching?: McDonald, Ingram, Pashby, Moriarty, Finnegan, Hanrahan, Nagle, Rooney | Comments: Kris, You have a really nice homepage. I wish I had as much information on most of my lines as you do. |
Brian 'Web Stud' Claridge - 04/02/98 05:11:15 My URL: My address: The Ghetto city: Mesa state: Arizona zip: 85201 phone: 602.610.9228 What names are you researching?: No Ones =) | Comments: Nice web page Kris! I'm VERY proud of you! I can't wait to see your BABY! |
Kris - 04/02/98 04:59:37 My Email:LSFMAZY@NETXXPRESS.NET address: PO Box 685 city: Ely state: NV zip: 89301 phone: 702-289-3961 What names are you researching?: Mazy | Comments: |