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October 13, 1775-Continental Congress established a Naval Committee.
Celebrated today as the official "birthday" of the U.S. Navy.

The Submarine

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A submarine is a vessel which has been designed for underwater operations.
It has the capability to operate underneath the surface as well as on the surface of the water.
This along with it's armament makes it a vital piece to our nations sea power and sea control.

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America's submarine force has played a number of roles in a hundred years of both war and peace: attack, surveillance, commando insertion, research and nuclear deterrent. Through all this, the Navy has found men to serve proudly in the Silent Service, where standards are high and where the victories are often kept secret.

Submariners, like their boats, are tough, quiet and work well under pressure. Fewer than 5 percent of sailors are qualified for submarine duty. But for those who do earn their 'dolphins' (the insignia of the submariner), there awaits an experience like no other.

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The AH-64 Apache attack helicopter can be equipped with 1 M230A1 30 mm chain gun, 4 under wing hard points for hellfire and hydra 70 rockets.  It also has a range of 428 miles before it needs refueling.  In the Gulf War they performed many strike missions, but the sand would get sucked into the engine and need 4 hours of maintenance for every 1 hour of flight time.

Sea Knight Naval Helicopter

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     The Sea Knight is an example of a durable and versatile aircraft that still is providing valuable services more than three decades after it was first flown.
   The CH-46 is a tandem-rotor configured transport helicopter that is designed for both land and ship-based operations. It can accommodate 25 passengers or 15 litters, with two medical attendants, or 10,000 pounds of cargo externally in a sling below the fuselage.

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Naval Landing Ship

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Primary landing ships resemble small aircraft carriers and are designed to put troops on hostile shores and carry support vessels.  They perform as primary landing ships for assault operations of Marine expeditionary units.  These ships use Landing Craft Air Cushion, conventional landing craft, and helicopters to move Marine assault forces ashore.  In a secondary role, using AV-8B Harrier aircraft and anti-submarine helicopters, these ships perform sea control and limited power projection missions

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USS Constellation

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Aircraft carriers provide a wide range of possible response for the National Command Authority.   The mission of the aircraft carrier is to provide a credible, sustainable, independent forward presence and conventional deterrence in peacetime, to operate as the cornerstone of joint/allied maritime expeditionary forces in times of crisis, to operate and support aircraft attacks on enemies, to protect friendly forces, and to engage in sustained independent operations in war.  Carriers support and operate aircraft that engage in attacks on airborne, afloat, and ashore targets that threaten free use of the sea and engage in sustained operations in support of other forces.  Aircraft carriers are deployed worldwide in support of U.S. interests and commitments.  They can respond to global crises in ways ranging from peacetime presence to full scale war.   Together with their on-board air wings, the carriers have vital roles across the full spectrum of conflict.  The carrier is the heart of the naval fleet and is protected by destroyers and other screening ships to stop enemy craft from threatening it.   The carrier's onboard fighters may engage aerial, as well as surface targets.

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USS Yorktown Cruiser

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Modern U. S. Navy guided missile cruisers perform a battle force role.  These ships are multi-mission surface combatants, capable of supporting carrier battle groups, amphibious forces, operate independently, or as flagships of surface action groups.  Due to their extensive combat capability, these ships have been designated as battle force capable units. The cruisers are equipped with Tomahawk missiles giving them additional long range strike mission capability.

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F18 Hornet


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The F-18 Hornet is a multi-role fighter operated by the Navy and Marine Corps.  With it's 1 man crew it has a maximum speed of 1,190mph and a range of 461 miles and 2,300 miles with it's drop tanks.  It is armed with a M61A1 vulcan 20 mm cannon and 134,700lbs of stores for various missiles and bombs.   The F-18 was the nations first strike fighter designed to give close air support without compromising it's fighter capabilities.  In its fighter mode, the F-18 is used primarily as a fighter escort and for fleet air defense; in its attack mode, it is used for force projection, interdiction and close and deep air support.