With the end of the Cold War, many smaller
nations and entities (terrorist organizations) have been released from their political and
military restraints. Marines are responsible for providing the security of U.S.
diplomats and other overseas installations. 
Looking Out for Your Men
One feature which has made the Marine Corps such
a respected organization is the custom of Marine leaders looking out for their men. A
Marine leader makes sure his men are comfortably clothed, housed, and justly treated. For
example, in the field a Marine officer takes position in the mess line after all the
enlisted men in order to insure all men get their food. A Marine leader never leaves a
wounded or dead Marine on the battlefield to fall into the hands of the enemy.
Being a Marine
But the most outstanding custom in the Marine
Corps is simply "being a Marine" and all that it implies. Call it morale, call
it esprit de corps, call it what you will--it is that pride which sets a United States
Marine apart from the men of other armed services. It is not taught in manuals, yet it is
the most impressive lesson a recruit learns in boot camp. It is not tangible, yet it has
won fights against material odds. |