
May11,1920 Manifest and Ship'Madonna"

A magnified manifest of the Ship Madonna arriving in ELLIS ISLAND on May 11,1920 from NAPLES,ITALY and carrying ;

(#1)) Leonardo Tagariello#0005, Laborer,age 31

sponsored by Santo Luiso,260 Hanover St.Boston,Mass

Also with him from Cassano were:

(#2)Sabella Massaro,his pregnant wife,age24#0006 and his future sister- in- law(#125)Maria Massaro #0007,the bride- to- be of age 22 (#34)Giuseppe Tagariello He worked in Maine since his arrival in 1907.They all listed, Santo Luiso as there cousin.

Of interest notice nine others from Cassano and five from Acquaviva and one from Gravina,all towns close to Cassano


THE Ship "Madonna"

Last Update: 11/12/2001
Web Author: Lucia Naas