![]() I See the Angels Mama I see the angels, Mamma, They're hovering 'round my bed. I think they've come to comfort me And soothe my fevered head. I see the angels, Mamma, They're filling up my room. I think they've come to calm my heart And chase away the gloom. I see the angels, Mamma, They're dressed in brilliant white. I think they've come to ease my pain And help me through the night. I see the angels, Mamma, They're drawing closer still. They whisper, "Child be not afraid, We've come to do God's will." I see the angels, Mamma, They beckon with their hands. And as they bid me go with them... I finally understand. I see the angels, Mamma, And I feel such peace and love! They're taking me to Heaven now To be with God above. I see the angels, Mamma, O, how sweetly they do sing! My troubles seem so far away-- My soul has taken wing! I'm with the angels, Mamma, I'm with my Lord and King! Oh grave where is thy victory? Oh, death where is thy sting? When you see the angels, Mamma, Reach out gladly for their hand, And I'll be waiting here for you In Heavens Promised Land!!! ![]() Angel Child One bright summer day A lovely welcomed ray Of sunshine made its way Into our home Our little angel child Had come for a while Bringing love and smiles We'd never known. But she could not stay And one lonely day Slipped quitely away Back to Heaven's home. Our tears filled the room And we wondered in our gloom If Spring would ever bloom For us again. Our Savior must have heard For we felt assured By these loving words That came from him: "I have seen your tears, I know your pain and fears; That's why I was pierced And died for you. Now your Spring can come, And when your life is done You'll have your little one; I know it's true. "Until that happy day In my care she'll stay, Blessing heaven with her ray, As only she can do. "But please, just for now Accept my sacred vow And understand somehow That I'll also care for you." -Joy Saunders Lundberg
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Smile down on me when you hear me cry Don't look down on me with sadness Give me the strength to live without her To cope with the emptiness and the madness Bless You for taking her so gently As she had fought so hard to live Thank You for loaning her to me She was Your greatest gift to give Remind her where she lived and loved Hold her often, take her hand in Your own way Reunite her with loved ones in heaven before her Reassure her her Mommy will see her again someday! ![]() ![]() I WANT YOU TO KNOW I LOVE YOU AND I APPRECIATE THE THOUGHT BUT IF YOU COULD SEE ME NOW SO HAPPY AND I'M SO MUCH BETTER OFF I KNOW YOU AND MOMMY WOULD CARE FOR ME AND I'D BE SURROUNDED BY LOVE BUT JUST REMEMBER I'M WATCHING YOU AND I'M WAITING FOR YOU ABOVE I KNOW YOU AND MOMMY WANTED ME AND SO DID MY FAMILY BUT JESUS HAD A PAIR OF BABY WINGS AND HE NEEDED ME WORSE YOU SEE FOR IF I'D COME TO THE WORLD AND TAKEN YOUR NAME I MIGHT HAVE ONLY BEEN A FAILURE AND BROUGHT YOU ONLY SHAME BUT DON'T WORRY ABOUT ME NOW I'M SAFE AND SECURE IN HIS CARE AND JUST IN CASE MOMMY WORRIES TELL HER JESUS HAS A ROCKING CHAIR SO KEEP SINGING AND PREACHING FOR JESUS AND SOON YOU'LL COME TO SEE ME THE FIRST THING I WANT YOU TO DO IS SING A SONG FOR ME TELL MOMMY THAT I LOVE HER TOO AND I CAN'T WAIT FOR HER TO HOLD ME I'LL BE STANDING BY THE RIVER THERE'S NO WAY SHE CAN MISS ME TELL MY BIG SISSY THAT I CAN'T WAIT FOR HER TO PLAY WITH ME AND UNTIL WE MEET UP HERE GIVE HER THE LOVE YOU HAVE FOR ME ![]() (author unknown) A sparrow fell, and no one heard. No body cared. It was just a bird. From all the numberless flitting throng of sparrows,who would miss one song" But God leaned down and whispered, "I care, That was one of My sparrows, and I was there." A little girl, all sunshine and laughter, (And sometimes scolding, with kisses after!) And hurts to smooth over, and deed to applaud.... A little girl fell! Where were you, God? A little girl fell! God why weren't You there? If you're God at all....then You could haveprevented This nightmare of pain! So you must have consented, I've always believed You Were loving and good, I'd like to believe still, if only I could. But God, if You love me, how can You allow such unbearable pain as I'm feeling right now. Such helplessness...helplessness...bitter Regret... So many tears that have fallen and yet So many more that are still locked Inside. Oh God...out there somewhere...have You ever cried? I'm not even sure, anymore that You are real, But if You are God...do you care how I feel? ![]() "In the midst!" Not far off in some vague fifth dimension, But there, where you are, giving you my attention. My constant attention....and not just today, Since before you were born, I have loved you this way. You're important to Me, every hair on your head I have numbered Myself, can these tears that you shed Go uncounted.......unnoticed? Nay, child, here I stand Close enough that each teardrop falls into My hand. I know what you suffer, I know what you'll gain, If you'll let Me walk with you into your pain. I'll carry your grief, and your sorrow I'll bear. You've only to reach out your hand....I am there. Fear nothing for your Janet, your dear little girl. She is safe in My house, and all heaven's a whirl With the ring of her laughter, her quick eager smile, And the things she's saving to show you "after awhile" Yes, I could have prevented... but, child, you can't see, With My perfect wisdom, trust Janet to me. Of course, you will miss her, but while you are weeping, Remember, it's only her body that's sleeping Her "self" is awake, wide awake As I said, I am God of the living, not God of the dead. She trusted Me, and My sure word comes to pass, Who believes shall not die, that included your lass. Let Me walk with you now, through the long heavy days. Let Me slowly begin changing heartache to praise. Take hold of My hand child, take hold of My love. I will lead you to joys that you yet know not of. Your faith may be weak, and your trust incomplete, But I'll walk not too fast for your stumbling feet. ![]()
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