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I would like to begin by saying this about my family and concern for children, It all HIT HOME with ME primarly, when Grandsons were in Neo unit of hospital, so very, very helpless. It Changed my way of thinking about Kids and Family.
I only wish to be of HELP to others all I can while I'm still here. God has left me here for reason's unknown, I believe it is to be of Help, encouragement and support to others. I have everything to be thankful for, I praise the LORD for all He has done in my life .

"Member Of Lavonia Lodge No. 241
F & A M"
Lavonia, Georgia
Raised August 1967--P M 1980

Honorary Member Of Bowersville Lodge No. 595
Bowersville, Georgia

On June 3rd 1999 I attended Bowersville Lodge No. 595 F&AM and surprised as I was Bowersville Lodge had voted me to be an "HONORARY MEMBER" of this Great Lodge. I wish to Thank each & Every Member of this wonderful Lodge to consider me and Honor me for this Gracious and Generous Award. Words will never express what this means to me. Thank You Bowersville Lodge No. 595.

Coach of The Year Award from Eighth Masonic Distric For Mason's In Georgia F&AM 2001-2002 Thank You Brethern for This Prestigeous Award.

Teacher & Honorary Member of Cleo Andrews Sunday School Class. God has lead me to teach His Word since 1981.

We have a Missing\Abused Children concern for Those Children Missing for what ever Reason. Please Sign Our Guestbook When You Visit Our Pages"

Click on the Georgia State Flag below to go to the page listing For Missing Kids in Georgia

Hello my name is Tommy Walters, Born April 9, 19 oops! On Easter Sunday, Hart County Georgia at app. 4:00 A.M.
Graduate from Lavonia high school in May 1958.
Married Yvo Vandiver August 2, 1958. We Have 2 daughters, 3 grandchildren, 2 boys, 1 girl. Even though we appreciate all our Family each one is very "Special to Yvo and Myself".
In 1971 I have back problems, Doctor's found 4 Ruptured disks in lower back,I Had to change professions at that time in my life.
My Wife, Children and I operated our own business for several years.
In Dec, 1990, I had a attack which damaged the lower portion of my
In Dec 1991, I had colon cancer. Surgen had to remove a portion of My colon. I did not have to go through any treatment because cancer had not spread to any other body nobes.

A Place For Me There is a special place in life,
That needs my humble skill,
A certain job I'm meant to do,
Which no one else can fulfill.
The time will be demanding,
The pay is not too good,
And I wouldn't change it for a moment,
Even if I could.
There is a special place in life.
A goal I must attain,
A dream that I must follow.
Because I won't be back again.
There is a mark that I must leave.
However small it seems to be.
A legacy of love for those,
Who follow after me.
There is a special place in life,
That only I may share.
A little path that bears my name,
Awaiting me somewhere.
There is a hand that I must hold,
A word that I must say,
A smile that I must give,
For there are tears to blow away.
There is a special place in life
That I was meant to fill.
A sunny spot where flowers grow,
Upon a windy hill.
There's always a tomorrow
And the best is yet to be,
For somewhere in this world,
I know there is a place for me.

Author Unknown

Posted on my site as a courtesy to the public. Premission granted by Franklin County Sheriff Department. Click on the graphic below to go to Franklin County Sheriff Department Georgia. Thank you guys for the fine job you are doing.

Georgia Franklin County Sheriff's Department

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