My Dad on his one and only bike, an Indian. He didn't have it very long though. It caught on fire while he was fueling it up. He never did get another one.
My husband and I also enjoy riding motorcycles. We both ride Honda VFR's.
1--?G!!TEXTB--> Jim rides a 2000 VFR. He's had numerous bikes, including a V65 Honda Magna (1100) and an ST1100. I used to ride a YZF600R and now ride a 2002 VFR. Jim's been riding for over eighteen years. I've been riding for ten years. I did start practicing early though.
with an overnight trip to Eureka, California thrown in. We also went to Sunnyside, Washington, for my class reunion. Besides that, we've been on many, many small trips. We pack up the bikes and
If we could only find a way to pack the dog and earn money on the road, we'd have it made!
Our ultimate goal is to take a month off work (yeah, right) and tour the United States on the bikes. We would also like to tour Europe on bikes but haven't quite figured out how to ride them across the ocean yet!
Here's some pictures from a motorcycle rally we attended in mid-August, 1998: