About The Brampton Horticultural Society

The Brampton Horticultural Society traces its roots to February 1895 when some sixty residents elected Dr. David Heggie as the first president.

Twice the Society has been dormant; the first in the late nineteen twenties and then from just before the Second World War until the early nineteen sixties.

After both lapses, members of the previous group were founders of the reorganized group and thus continuity has been maintained for a century.

The Society actively promotes an appreciation of gardening both in the public and private domain.

In association with other interest groups and clubs, the Society has undertaken the placement of trees on several streets in Brampton and, since its dedication in 1970, the J.A. Carroll Arboretum has been planted by Society members.

Excellence is the keystone of the Society's existence.

Knowledgeable speakers give presentations at most general meetings and there is a lending and a reference library available to members.

The Society is entering its second century at a time when gardening is one of the two fastest growing pastimes in Canada.

New Members

People come to the Society for many reasons. Some are looking for an answer to a specific problem or for the identity of a plant; others are seeking knowledge in a more general form. The company of others interested in gardening is another attraction.

It is not necessary either to be an expert or have a spectacular garden to be a member of the Society. In fact, many members live in apartments and very few members would miss an opportunity to learn more about gardening.

To obtain the most benefit, new members are invited to get involved with the Society rather than remain just passive observers.

Depending on individual interests and talents, a new member may be able to assist with public plantings, write for the newsletter, or join one of the many committees which are essential to the operation of the Society.

Annual memberships are available as follows: Single Membership $19.00; Family Membership $26.00; Senior Single $14.00; Senior Family $20.00; Junior $2.50 - effective January 1st, 2006.

General Meetings

General membership meetings are held at the Flower City Seniors Recreation Centre, 8870 McLaughlin Road South, Brampton, on the fourth Tuesday of the month, with the exceptions of July, August and December, when there are no meetings. Doors generally open at 7:30 P.M., with the formal meeting commencing at 8:00 P.M.

The evening consists of a brief review of the Society business and upcoming events, an invited speaker, and a social period.

Ordinary meetings are held seven times a year. Additionally, the Annual General Meeting is in November, and in June there is a strawberry social.


To help keep up to date with Society programs, members receive eight or nine newsletters per year.


An extensive library of books related to gardening is maintained for loan to members.

Flower Shows

Flower shows give members the opportunity to display the results of their gardening efforts and to see what others are able to produce.

Five of the General Meetings have an associated flower show with both cultural and decorative classes. Ribbons are awarded for each class and, at year's end, trophies go to members with the most points.

The major event is the "June Flower Show." This show is open to the general public and the exhibit standard is high. Exhibitors at the June show have gone on to win at both the provincial and national levels.

Public Planting

The Society has a long history of planting in public spaces.

Before the municipality and developers took responsibility, the Society was involved in street planting. Among the projects of the 'sixties were the Mountain Ash trees on the median of McMurchy Avenue, and trees in the Northwood Park sub-division.

There has also been a long association with charitable institutions. Flowers are currently planted at Cheshire House and at various Salvation Army locations.

Members also prepare and maintain flower beds at Peel Manor.

Plant Sales

A popular and long standing feature of the General Meetings is the sale of plants. Annuals, perennials and house plants are donated by members and are sold at very reasonable prices.

In May the Giant Plant Sales is held. This event is open to the public and is a major fund raising activity for the Society.