
This is my roommate Krista and me in Florida.  Probably in 94.  I told you these shots are lame...maybe I'll get someone to take a recent one of me...but I'm getting fat again so, maybe not.


This is me with my roommates Krista and Jodi.  This was our first picture of the new school year and was taken after the shot above of Krista and I on the beach, so I'm kind of tan.  For once.  But the picture is kind of dark and I'm not quite as tan as I look.  And that mark on my arm is from the scanner or something cuz it's not on the picture.


This picture I scanned because my cousin Erin (who's in the picture with me) and I were talking online while I was going through my old pictures and she wanted me to send it to her.  Erin is going to be driving this year.  I feel old.  Again, shutup about the hair.


Me and my mom at a cheesy magic show in Vegas...


Ok, so here I am looking pretty drunk and thinking I'm cool with my darts.  Krista has a beer, I have darts.  My beer must have been around there somewhere...it's probably hiding with my tan.


I know you wanted pictures of me smiling, but I thought you might be missing the evil, death look, too.  Ok, well, maybe not.  :)


Krista and I drinking a lot of beer at an English Pub at Epcot.  The reason I have a lot of pictures of me and Krista is because I'm sending her these pictures, too...since I'm on a scanning kick, what the hell.  Just in case you were wondering. 


Here's another one with me and my cousin...she's about 7, I think, in this one.  I don't know if you can tell, but my hair is really dark brown...the darkest it's ever been.


Speaking of hair...high school...orange...enough said.  Oh, that was one of my cats.


These are the people I used to work with...now you know why I joined the Army!