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Dee's "Top" List for Being an Army Wife. This is a list of silly things that Dee came up with about army life.

Ft. Campbell, KY, home of the 101st Airborne Division.
This is almost a decent post, if you liked closed posts with little or no time with your spouse. The post was originally designed to serve ~16,000 troops and their families; with over 25,000 stationed here, bursting at the seams is not an understatement.
I can only think of a few things that would make it better.

Clarksville, TN, the "city" surrounding Ft. Campbell, KY.

Clarksville promotes itself as the Queen City and the Gateway to the New South.
Again, only a few things more would be a great improvement.

Clarksville, does have some things that I like.

Ft. Benning, GA, home of the Infantry.
This post has been consistently rated one of the Best Army Wide. My only real complaint at the time I was there, was a lack of support for youth oriented activities. Unfortunately, this is a service wide problem as more and more programs are being oriented to the single soldiers. Ft. Benning does have a post-wide curbside recycling program and a post bus system.

Columbus, GA, the city surrounding Ft. Benning, GA.

To find out more about Columbus, check out one of these two sites. Columbus now has a Michael's. 
It does have...
A very nice trip less than an hour from Columbus is Callaway Gardens.

Click here for Pictures from Callaway Gardens.

Another trip not far from Columbus is Providence Canyon State Park

Ft. Stewart, GA, home of the 3rd Infantry Division.
I moved from Ft. Stewart in 1992. I haven't been back since. It may have lots of land, but very little of it is "developed." Most of the land is devoted to training areas and ranges. There was limited on-post housing when I was there. The surrounding city of Hinesville, GA was so small at the time, I'll instead refer to Savannah, GA.

Savannah, GA is comparable to Columbus, GA in available amenities. Savannah was recently featured in the book Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil.

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