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So, just who is Dee? Well, I'm a military wife of seventeen years.   I currently reside at the USAF Academy with my husband and two sons.   I've lived at Ft. Campbell, KY, Ft. Benning, GA (twice.) We've been stationed at Ft. Stewart, GA and even did a tour in Wisconsin.

While I am no longer actively involved in scouting, I have decided to keep my scouting pages, available for others to access. I had previous scouting experience as a First Class scout in Girl Scouts. (Back in the dark ages before Gold & Silver awards.)

I enjoy surfing the net, watching "educational" television, and reading. I am a graduate of Murray State University having earned my Masters Degree. Murray State University was home to the National Scouting Museum, until November 2000. The scouting museum has an extensive collection of Norman Rockwell art, it has now moved to Texas. To find out more about Murray, check out the Murray, KY Tourism Board.

I've loved playing with computers for years, but learning to make my own web page seemed daunting to me. I found help by getting a great book! If you'd like to find out about Creating Cool HTML 4 Web Pages visit the site.

Dee's Hobbies also include: baking, collecting, bird watching and photography.  This might explain why she hasn't found the time to get a paying job, yet.

I hope you enjoy my site.

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