Famous quotes from the kid...

Here are some of Eric's best and brightest sayings and doings for everyone's enjoyment.

-"Don't let the bed bugs bite; let them sleep with you."

-"Why do I have to pull down my underwear to go to the bathroom when there is a hole in them?"

-how to tell time on a digital clock... "It is nine dot dot two seven"

-In response to the question, "Are you Erik the Viking, or Erik the Red?" etc. - "Nope - just plain Eric!"

-on segregation: "You mean that just because someone has black skin or brown skin or peachy colored skin like me, they were different? -- Well, that wasn't very nice!!"

-First camping trip: What was that noise? Nothing. What was that noise? A car. What was that noise? A bug. Eric, there are no lions, tigers, or bears anywhere here. But Mom, what about Cheetahs?

-What do you get when you cross a parrot and a centipede? A walkie talkie.

-After reading the first chapter of Harry Potter: Grandpa, that book is fake - motorcycles can't fly.

This one Shelley said to Eric in a conversation but worth the note here: My mom said that I can't go to the circus unless I'm good. I've decided that being good isn't so good for me.