Since moving to Texas I really really miss my "Whiskers..." Maybe we can talk mom & dad into coming down for a visit to the gulf so I can see my favorite granddaughter....we'll let you know.
Whiskey completed her championship with a 4 point major by going BOS over 2 Special's bitches! Way to go Whiskey!!
Whiskey was my favorite puppy in the litter. She's always been such a "show-off" and was the "pick me" puppy from the very beginning. What a little doll she is! Full of fun and energy she's a blessing to show; always on and ready to go. Whiskey's mom and dad (Madeleine and Duane) are wonderful parents and don't mind her trips to "dog camp"...code name for show trips. She's very social, loving and bright with that special "something" in the ring.
A special thanks to her Mom & Dad for letting us show and finish this wonderful girl's championship.