Ch. Kühl's Ringmaster's Secret


Ch. Kühl's Return of the King x Aurora's Nikoletta V Jen'N'Di

Carson has matured into an AWESOME Keeshond; with his upbeat attitude, correct structure & type, lovely correct coat, and intelligence, he's a dream to be with & show. Carson has a great sense of humor and tons of energy (he's great at keeping his kitty entertained). He is constantly "popping" up onto the back of the couch, chair, or wherever one of us is sitting to rest his head on our shoulder. One of these days, I fully expect to find him nonchalantly perched on one of the backyard pecan tree branches stealing nuts....his favorite.

Carson started his specials career by presenting us with a Best in Specialty Show! and was first ranked in the TOP 25 Keeshonden* with just 2 months out as a special!!! WOW!!! Carson also received an invitation to attend the Eukanuba National Championship in Tampa in 2005 and AGAIN in 2006 because of his ranking! He managed to make the very final cut at Eukanuba and it was truly a thrill to watch. He was invited to attend & compete at the very first "Top Keeshond Event" at the 2005 National and AGAIN in 2006!!! I'm sure he'll do very well with his future. Currently he's doing well in the groups and has several's hoping it continues.

Carson finished his championship with all major wins from the Bred-By-Exhibitor class...that should have been a hint that he was destined for great things. Carson also did very well at the National..placing 3rd in a class of 26 for sweeps and then also placing 3rd in his futurity class...what an honor!

When not on the show circuit, Carson is being "spoiled" by his Aunt JoAnn (God Mom & Co-Owner)....she's been working on play/teaching him some basic agility moves and he loves it! Of course I'm not surprised, since he's an intelligent, "vertical" and active fellow...who really enjoys pleasing his people.