2safeschools Volunteer Positions & Wish List

2safeschools functions as an private volunteer association. Funding comes from private sponsorships, from sales of school bus safety photo CD's, initial research projects and information assembly, and from sales of articles to various magazines and organizations. 2safeschools operates on a shoestring, producing free internet school bus safety related photos, videos and training materials, researching and maintaining an In Loving Memory Memorial. We provide new and also established training presenters and training sources free space at our websites and on our CD's. We've grown at an astonishing rate, providing more free INTERNET services from our various Websites, sometimes begging for bandwidth to keep the service on-line as much as possible. Often founder James Kraemer contributes personal funds to balance out the financial demands of the all-volunteer effort to help keep kids safe on our Nation's school buses. At some point we expect to generate enough funding to provide a higher level of FREE quality services, payroll for some permanent staff, as well as continue to provide inexpensive training materials to school bus drivers, school staff, parents, kids and the community press. An on-line store is in the works and school bus driver nationwide bus safety WEB interlink service are a few of many future goals. A sponsorship donation, volunteer help or donated equipment is greatly appreciated. On-line Sponsorship Information.

Volunteer Positions & Equipment Wish List
Drop us a note at: 2safeschools

2safeschools Forums Manager: Do you like interacting with variety of personalities in written communications. 2safeschools forums needs a Forum Manager. Visit 2safeschools forums and let us know if you would like to be considered for this volunteer position.

Chat Room Promoter/Manager: Fast paced and quick wit is needed in our chat rooms. For those who like fast-paced interaction and managing on-line chat sessions. You can manage 2safeschools forums, or perhaps a private forum for your employees or group would be more to your liking. Let us know what you would like made available to meet your interests.

Editor: Always in need of volunteer professional editors to help edit webpages, articles, flyers and booklets. If you can't stand misspelled words or odd sentence structure, and have professional editing experience, then this may be your volunteer calling.

Personal Experience Stories: Virtually every person has at least one school bus experience to write about and you don't have to be a pro for your story to make the headlines at 2safeschools. School bus stories from bus drivers, parents, students and others are welcomed for publication. Thousands of readers are interested in reading about bad experiences (and how the experience was overcome), good school bus stories, and funny stories. (Students under 18 must include parent permission to publish child's byline.)

Digital Photographers: Bus safety photos always needed for free Internet bus safety Library. Your name can be imbedded in the photo for free release and use to schools, bus safety websites, the press and for training materials and other uses. You retain ownership rights, however, library photos are offered without charge - no royalty fees and the like. A free link can be provided to your Web site. Visit the 2safeschools Photo Library for more information. School bus safety situation photos with identifiable faces usually require a photo release. In some cases we can obscure the face and make the photo publishable. Photos Free graphics contributions from predominant commercial graphic suppliers also welcomed. Although the images or graphics contributions to 2safeschools Library must be free of charge, a link to these providers commercial Websites is provided free of charge.

New Memory WebPages: Could use help finding new In Loving Memory WebPages of children deceased as a result of school bus related incidents. See the In Loving Memory section for submission details.

WEB Provider: We've become too popular for our own financial welfare. Visitor downloading of free photos and MPG's are becoming a constant bandwidth sharing issue. Looking for a main Web provider to host 2safeschools. Need CGI bins and larger free bandwidth to accommodate growing demands for 2safeschools Web services. Any ideas and host sources much appreciated.

Forming a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. The cost to go from a private charity to a 501(c)(3) (educational) is too high for 2safeschools limited resources unless we can find a professional volunteer to help put this effort together. Going 501(c)(3) is not a high priority since we have done well enough for several years without this tax exemption. Regardless, doing so would help formalize 2safeschools, especially when asking for funds from major business interests funding sources and also would allow for tax deductible donations. Deductibility is an important issue for large contributors. (2safeschools does not ask for or accept major funding from government or the school bus industry.)

1ghz Stand-Alone PC: Our 400mhz and 566mhz PC's are constantly running, often burning data CD's. Need at least 1ghz PC stand alone to make movies and burn cd's using donated software. If you know of any organization donating newer PC's to good causes please let us know.

IBM Photo
SONY MVC CD500 Camera: We are currently using Sony MVC FD85 cameras for our photography. Theses cameras take good digital photographs, but not very good MPG videos. Our VHS-C camera is nice but takes much time and setup to convert to MPG's using Dazzle hardware & software. The CD500 camera does very well with both images and video. One of these cameras donated to add to our effort to provide free on-line photos and videos would be an excellent and needed help. Any ideas or sources appreciated.

Miscellaneous: Sources of inexpensive or donated school bus safety pins and awards needed for give-a-way and awards; Newer media hardware and software donations or software transfers for movie making and burning cd's; free on-line newsletter and brochure publishing software and the like.

All 2safeschools presentations, training evaluations, manuals, other offerings are offered only as guidelines for development of school bus driver, school staff, parent and children training programs. All individuals and sources involved in the development of these guides accept no liability for its content. Where there is any question about implementing these materials, first check with your state's PTS or school board for approval.

Copyright ©2004 2safeschools.org