What you can do when nothing else is working
By James Kraemer
Back in control is for
adults who recognize more than one approach is often needed when working with
of todays' out of control kids. The author's advice and training explained in this book is
often most effective
middle school age children having lost structure in their
daily life through divorce, other loss of a parent or somehow just didn't
receive the necessary social skills in the earlier years.
Back in control
is also effective in establishing meaningful expectations with the very young,
as well as help with effective interference and reconciliation with older
kids involved in alcohol, drugs and other high risk or anti-social behavior.
Critical to successful correction of unsocial and out of control behavior is
the willingness of the adults involved to follow through with
the child in an effective and meaningful way. The principles presented in
Back in control clearly demonstrates that when adults fail to effectively follow
through and enforce
their own expectations, then children are not likely to follow through and
enforce those expectations on themselves. Back in control helps
adults accept their part in helping the child let go of learned manipulative
skills and tactics characteristic of the out of control child.
Back in control is incorporated into anger management classes within
many of our nation's juvenile court systems, agency services, classroom and
other government and
private child management training in many states. Awareness,
concerning the principles in Back in control, can help facilitate
effective support from various agencies through common ground
communications with these agencies.
Back in control works comfortably in must do situations, as well as
with other training principles presented by programs such as
Cline-Fay's Love And Logic, Strategies Training Systems, Kids In Charge
and many other principle based approaches to dealing with difficult kids.
When the situation demands an immediate response from the out
of control child and nothing else has worked, Back in control may
be the answer for you.
Your comments about this
2safeschools Note: Back in control, By Gregory Bodenhamer, is
available at most book stores for $11.00 (paperback), or you can order
this book through 2safeschools at the discount price of only $8.80 each.
For more information about this book
Click Here
Advice saved my teenage
daughters' and my relationship
September 20, 1998
This book was recommended to me by
a wonderful woman at the San Jose police department when my now 28 year old
daughter ran away from home when she was 14. I love the title because it implies we
have had some control to get back to and when my daughters were out of control, I
did not think that was the case! The advice gave me a way of dealing with my two
daughters' behavior that allowed me to stay calm and not react and still get what
needed to be done accomplished. I have recommended it to every parent who has
ever talked to me about their child's behavior. Today, my girls thank me for caring
enough to chase after them in the car when they tried to run away, promise to show
up at school dressed for PE when they wouldn't, and for keeping focused on the issue
rather than letting swearing and and name calling derail us. More than once, they
have said, "I don't know how you put up with us, Mom." I always say it was
this book's advice that helped. Today both of these challenging teenagers are happy,
productive, and responsible adults and we have developed a friendship that is based
on love and respect for one another. I have found these techniques work equally well
on my husband and my friends, diffusing potentially combative situations before they
get out of hand. This book should be required reading for all parents of children over 2
years of age!
By Beth.Perkins@gte.net, from Penngrove, CA (Northern
The Very Best
December 17, 1997
I have two copies of the book and a copy of the cassette tapes. We have
homes for developmentally disabled and mentally ill adults. We have
raised three sons, also. The clear, concise command that the author
demonstrates is useful in EVERYONE'S daily life...In dealing with the
telephone solicitor, one's spouse, or one's child. We listen to the
tapes every year or so for a refresher and deal with the world more
effectively afterwards. Get the book, read it, and get back into the
position of being a parent instead of a victim of your own offspring,
for God's sake. By rthrelke@juno.com from San Luis Obispo, CA.
Also see Parent In Control
E-Mail your story
Every person has a great
school or school bus story, idea, war story or "something funny
happened today" story. Perhaps something for the rest of us grown-ups
to think about or perhaps to affirm, encourage and support other adults.
When e-mailing please include your name, contact address and a little
about yourself. If the story is controversial and you wish to remain
anonymous we can often do that, depending on the story, or not print the
story until it can be verified through another source.
E-mail stories to: safeschs@dnc.net.
Copyright ©1998 James Kraemer. Click on this
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