Welcome! Benvenuti!

My name is Arthur Urbano. 
This page is devoted primarily to the genealogical research I have conducted from 1994 to the present on on my family lines in Italy..

In addition to discovering the names and facts of my family history, I was fortunate enough to reestablish contact with relatives still living in Italy, sometimes in the same towns my ancestors left, after decades (and sometimes a century) of separation.  You can read some of my stories and view pictures from my two trips in 1998 and 2000 in the
Travels Section.

Feel free to contact me with questions or related geneaological information.  Always looking for more cousins!!!
ardo715 @ gmail.com
Follow these links to my family trees
Paternal Lines
(Francolise, Provincia di Caserta)

(Marzanello, Provincia di Caserta)
(Teano, Provincia di Caserta)
(Casale, Provincia di Napoli)
Maternal Lines
(Ciorlano, Provincia di Caserta)
(Regione di Sardegna)

De Tora / De Toro
(Teano, Provincia di Caserta)

(Teano, Provincia di Caserta)
Translation Service
Have some Italian vital records, or some old letters that you want translated into English?  Want to write to a local town hall?  Or are you searching for relatives?  I offer a wide range of translation services. Click here for more details.
A semester abroad in Rome in 1993 sparked my interest in genealogy.  Then, after extensive research into my family's past, I decided to search for the living--the relatives in Italy that my family had lost touch with decades ago.  I successfully found relatives on both my maternal and paternal sides, including my father's first-cousins.  All of them strangers who immediately became family again.  Since making contact with relatives in Caianello and Francolise, I have returned to Italy twice, once in 1998 and again in 2000. 

Click here to read stories and to see pictures from these two amazing adventures.
(Always under construction!)

Click on the image above for a detailed map of the Provincia di Caserta., showing most of the towns my family emigrated from.
This page is dedicated to my grandfather, Anthony Cucca

I was on his back from day one!
Thanks for stopping by.  You are visitor number:
Drop me a line at
ardo715 @ gmail.com

         A Search For Roots

This Italian-American Webring site is owned by
Arthur Urbano.

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