- 11/30/00 23:53:52
My Email:bethel7777@aol.com
My wife and I will soon be adopting a young son that we have named Timothy Christian.
Timothy is a little boy that mom and dad didn't want because he was less than perfect. Mom
said, as she left him at the hospital, "call me when he dies". No one visited
him for the first 21 days of his life until the LORD called us. Timothy is now 7 months
old, and for a little one that wasn't even expected to be here he is doing ok. The point
that I wish to make is that everywhere we take him we try to lift up JESUS. The Bible says
story is a blessing to us, and please pray for our son as he has shunt surgery Dec 12.
Diana Pozzi - 11/30/00 21:10:30
My Email:bi365@scn.org
Wonderful site! I surfed to it while doing some link research for a new page I'm
developing for the Hydrocephalus Support Group/Seattle. I am currently the public
relations director for the group, which offers peer support for parents, families, friends
& those of us living with hydrocephalus. It sad ens me to hear all of the negativity
surrounding this condition, particularly quality of life issues. I have lived with
congenital hydro for almost 40 yrs. I was shunted at 3mths of age & had just a handful
of subsequent procedures. My last one was in 1983. There were a lot of doomsayers in 1961
who told my mother to abandon me to the state & that I would always be
institutionalized with a life expectancy of 13 yrs. I will be 40 in August, 2001 &
will (hopefully) be re-entering college in late 2001. I will be working toward a
certificate in arts management. A lot of my time is spent working on projects for the
support group. I arrange the annual picnic, Christmas party & getting the word out
that we are here.
Jaime - 11/29/00 14:28:27
My Email:JaimeSonnett@aol.com
I also carried a baby with this condition. At 23 weeks the doctors informed me that there
would not be a doubt that this baby would die at birth and I had no choice but to end the
pregnancy. I had to go into the hospital and deliver her. Needless to sa , it was the
saddest day of my life. You should be praised for your efforts with your beautiful
daughter. She is a miracle of God. I have two healthy children today. I recently gave
birth to a baby girl who we named after the baby we lost. I will nev r forget that baby.
Our loss will forever remain in our hearts. God bless you and your daughter. May you enjoy
every day she is alive and cherish them.
Wayne Sexton - 11/29/00 03:25:51
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/jesuschristismygod
My Email:ws9320@msn.com
Nice site Drew. I didn't know you had a web page. It sure has a lot of pictures of that
precious baby. She sure has grown. May God continue to bless you all in everything you do
for Him. Check out my site sometime. Wayne><>
Diane Schneider - 11/26/00 01:10:56
My Email:dianes@plpower
Hi Kerri Santa will be along shortly and I know he will be good to you, you are so
beautiful! Lots of love!
carole - 11/24/00 00:30:30
I lost my son Gabriel the 5/5/00. He was diagnosticate Dandy Walker and I was force to
stop the pregnacy by the father and all the family who said it will be impossible for me
to keep him. The day he born(dead, my saoul died. No one can help the culbility he feel. I
should like the talk to other mother like mee.
carole - 11/24/00 00:26:12
carole - 11/24/00 00:26:11
Paul - 11/16/00 17:35:50
My Email:rentall@innova.net
Hello Julie, Drew, and Kerri. I found your site and thought I would say hello. I'm glad to
see things are going well. It has been a while since I've seen any of you. I'll probably
be attending SWU this spring, so I will probably be running into you. ee ya later......
Andrea K. - 10/27/00 19:56:11
My Email:akrause2@san.rr.com
This is a very nice website, and Kerri looks beautiful. She and my son, and many others,
are living proof that doctor's can't predict the future, and can be wrong. Andrea, in San
Diego, CA
Chris and Vic - 10/27/00 01:50:27
My Email:kell@milwpc.com
You are clearly proud parents, and she is a darling girl! Thank you for showing her off to
all of us!
Claudette - 10/23/00 20:24:38
My Email:claudettekatzenmeier@hotmail.com
On Friday, October 20, 2000, we were told after a sonogram at 30 weeks, that our son has
hydroencephalus. The radiologist said he would die. My ob/gyn is more optomistist. We go
Thursday to see the specialist. Your story gives me considerable encourag ment. Thank you.
tracy - 10/10/00 17:55:11
My Email:TCJ74@cs.com
your daughter is an absolute angel. I fell in love with her right away. My daughter is 13
months, she has Dandy Walker Malformation, Hydro, and 7th nerve palsey. My daughter has 2
shunts. Good luck and GOD bless Tracy
Hester - 09/26/00 20:39:09
I am a speech and language therapist working with a child with the same
difficulties/condition in England and found your site very helpfull, thank you.
LORI - 09/26/00 00:48:03
BOB - 09/07/00 22:36:55
My Email:RJK2832@AOL.COM
- 09/06/00 14:24:53
My Email:lmw1212@aol.com
you have such a beautiful little girl. Thank you for this sight it is my first visit and
it really made me feel that my family is not alone in this by reading your story and guest
book. I am amazed at things we have in common. My husband who is also a VFF and Paramedic
in SC, had our first child in Feb. after a perfect pregnacy and delevery we were
devistated to find out our daughter had a bleed in brain space after several test. With
ultrasounds of her head in the weeks to come she was diagnoised with hyd ocephalus. We had
an omya resivour put in hoping that after swelling from the bleeding went down everything
would work ok. This did not work. We went to Atlanta to a wonderful doctor to see if she
was a candidate for a 3rd ventricularostmy, and she was no so she was shunted there in
April. She has done so well. We meet with EI once a week and physcial therapy once a week
to help her catch up she was behind in holding her head up but doesn't seem to be far
behind in anything eles just yet. She amazes me ev ry day . She is 7m this past weekend
and started sitting unsupported last week for about 15min at a time. Again, Thank you for
the support that you have put out there by sharing your Angel with us.
Guardians of Hydrocephalus Research Foundation National - 09/05/00 16:18:43
My URL:http://ghrf.homestead.com/ghrf.HTML
My Email:GHRF2618@aol.com
I read your story about Kern, I hope she is doing better now. We have so many parents out
their lloking for other parents to talk to, maybe you would like to join our parent
network? We also have a newsletter that we send all over the country,I would like to use
your story, to help other parents. Let me know Kathy Soriano GHRF
kelly - 09/01/00 02:09:47
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/rkmetcalfe/hannah.html
My Email:k.metcalfe@mciworld.com
Thank you for sharing Kerri's story. I, too, have a daughter with Congential
Hydrocephalus. Hannah is 3 years old now and the joy of our lives. To read a story so
similar to ours and see pictures that look so much like our daughter at birth and followi
g cranial surgery, reminds me that we are not alone in our experience with Hydrocephalus.
I welcome you to visit our website about our little miracle and would love to hear from
you on Kerri's recent progress. God bless you all.
survivor - 08/21/00 20:57:03
My Email:magpie186@aol.com
hi i am a 14 year old female diagnosed with hydrocephalus at age of 11 and have had had
two major brain surgeries since. I found your story inspiring and if you need to talk i
would love to talk with someone who understands but i wish you and your daught r the best
of luck and i am really amazed at all you have been through. thanks for sharing your
story. :)!!!
kathy - 08/16/00 20:15:06
My Email:kyunghui_park@yahoo.com
Thank you for Kerri's story. How is she doing? How does she get along with other children?
What about school? She is adorable... Again, thank you, Kathy
susie - 08/14/00 15:25:18
My Email:eddsuz@aol.com
There are amazing parallels in our stories. Our daughter Shayna was also diagnosed with
severe hydracephalus and holoprosencephaly at our 16 week routine ultra-sound! We even
received some of the same advice and grim prognosis. Shayna was born 7 weeks re-mature,
and much to several doctors surprise, was breathing all on her very own. The picture of
Kerri at birth looks remarkably like Shayna. One doctor in the NICU told us that giving
Shayna a shunt probably wouldn't make a difference because she was probably going to die
soon anyway, and if by some possibility she did survive she would have very little quality
of life. Of course we gave our beautiful daughter a lot more credit than he, and she
received her shunt at one week old. Unlike Kerri, Shayn remained with the diagnosis of
lobar holoprosencephaly untill she was 2 years old, even after 9 shunt revisions, and what
seems like 100 CT scans. An MRI revealed her brain to have almost no consistencies with
HPE. So now she is described to have "migr tional brain anomolies" which is more
of a description than a diagnosis. Shayna also has a great team of professionals in her
life. I am sure that Kerri also inspires just about everyone with her miraculous story.
Shayna has not had any cranio surgerie , but she does have cleft-lip and palate. She has
had a lip repair but not the palate yet. It is almost unbeleivable how much her and Kerri
look alike, except Shayna doesn't have that much hair. Shayna also has something called
"amniotic banding" which w beleive is un-related to the hydracephalus. Shayna
will be 3 in Oct. and she is starting pre-school today! I would love for you to E-mail so
we can compare more about our AWESOME daughters!
- 08/04/00 02:22:59
My Email:annstout@usa.net
I just wanted to tell you what a beautiful little girl you have. I have a child myself.
They are truly worth the effort.God Bless you.
Joy Sypert - 07/29/00 23:01:32
My Email:joyoust@eoni.com
Hello. My name is Joy Sypert. I am 25 years old and was diagnosed with hydrocephalus when
I was 2 and 1/2 years old. I have a VP shunt. I have been really fortunate and only had
two revisions in 23 years. One when I was 10 years old and one this last April. Please
write back to me. Thanks Joy
A Mom - 07/28/00 18:03:49
Hi-- I came across your page while looking for information on blessings for babies. What I
found was a baby who is a blessing. She is a beautiful girl! A Mom
Annette McClellan - 07/26/00 00:22:29
My URL:http://members.carol.net/~annettem/annette.htm
My Email:annettem@carol.net
Stumbled across this page by accident, but maybe not an accident at all... :-) It was a
marvelous story -- and looks like the ending just keeps getting better and better! You
guys will certainly be in my thoughts and prayers, and just wanted to let you kn w. She's
a little beauty!
John - 07/12/00 03:51:29
My URL:http://members.home.net/jabybaby
My Email:jabybaby@home.com
Kerri's story is so similar to ours. Applause to you for not listening to the
"death" doctor! We were given that option, but not very enthusiasticaly. God
bless you and we will pray for your special angel Kerri.
Tammie Faye - 07/11/00 03:55:45
My Email:atammie@hotmail.com
Drew, you've done a great job and Kerry is precious.
- 07/08/00 21:32:58
My Email:julieloos@aol.com
I have a 4 mth son with hydrocephalus and Cerebral Palsy. Thank you so much for sharing
your story and pictures. It's a complete inspiration to me and my family. Thanks!
Tanya Foley - 07/01/00 07:01:11
My URL:http://tanyafoley.homepage.com/index.html
My Email:tenambitheaven@ozemail.com
Don't give up on Kerri-it is difficult but I am 32 with congenital hydrocephalus and have
not given up yet(although my husband wants me to climb the Sydney Harbour Bridge and I
haven't agreed to that one yet. Come and visit my website sometime.
test - 06/07/00 20:57:28
Janice Wilson - 02/08/00 15:12:53
My Email:janiceelaine@yahoo.com
Dear Julie, Drew and Kerri, I am so GLAD God made people like you. You do not know me, but
we have been praying for you since Kerri's birth in our Sunday School class at First
Baptist Church Clemson. I just thank God for your sweet baby Kerri and I know he has
placed her in ju t the right family. My prayers are with you and I rejoice with you at
Kerri's progress!!! Miracles DO happen, Janice Wilson
Melanie Bills - 02/08/00 13:24:19
My Email:TMBills@prodigy.net
Thank you for sharing your family pictures. they are wonderful and you have a little angel
who is so precious to all and God. Do you live in NC? I am orginally from NC but live in
OH now.
Jennell Holm - 02/07/00 18:16:56
My Email:jennell_holm@starkey.com
What a beautiful Family you have!!!!! She's an adorable little angel! I liked all the
pictures! Jennell
Nana Allison - 02/07/00 03:21:53
My Email:allis@nbnet.nb.ca
I hadn't checked Kerri's page for a while. I loved the new pictures - it makes me cry
every time I visit her website because I know that God has done such a work in our family
through Kerri. Give her hugs and kisses from Nana.
Joe Ryden - 02/01/00 21:29:54
My Email:joe@apromptcorp.com
Gee Drew you didn't let me know you added new pictures lucky for me I check in every once
and a while. Kerri is looking great. I hope all is going well. Call me soon!
Cori - 02/01/00 13:05:49
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Fields/7401
Hi! I just wanted to stop by and congratulate you on getting the MOW Special Achievers
Award. I am a member of MOW and it was announced to us. Kerri is so sweet! I loved the
picture of her dressed as an angel, it doesn't get any better than that. You made a
wonderful decision when that doctor suggested otherwise. Thank you for sharing Kerri with
angela burns - 01/27/00 03:26:57
My Email:b_angie_b_2000@yahoo.com
i was looking for an homework assignment about angel's and i ran across you site. i signed
your guest book to let you know that your precious baby is in my prayers tonight. god
bless your family. angela burns. 20 of atlanta ga
Roger & Leah Wyatt - 01/22/00 20:43:17
My URL:http://www.zoomnet.net/~rwyatt/index.html
My Email:rwyatt@excelonline.com
Great web site. Glad Kerri is such a blessing She's a beautiful little girl! Roger
Amy Kiefer - 01/21/00 19:57:43
My Email:kieferjr@juno.com
What a beautiful, beautiful baby. We were in almost the exact situation when my son Alan
was diagnosed at five months in utero. We told those doctors that God has given us a baby
with a disability and it would be God who would take him away from us. He also is a
miracle from God. If it wasn't for our christian faith we would not have made it through
as we did. Thank you for making it possible to see your beautiful daughter. Amy
Juliette Lisco - 01/21/00 14:27:54
My Email:scojette@mindspring.com
Julie and Drew, Thank you so much for this wonderful story. My niece, Anissa (2+ yo), has
an almost identical history. I would love for you to meet her parents. I am a pediatric
nurse (I currently work in a NICU). I continue to be truly inspired by the strength and
aith of parents and families who face adversities with their little ones. You are
remarkable, as are my brother, sister-in-law and nephews. As a caregiver, it brings such
peace of mind to know that parents can weather the storms and resume a normal life when
things settle down. Bless you.
Lee - 01/21/00 06:25:30
My Email:silvalite@hotmail.com
Thankyou for sharing your story and the precious photos of your little girl. I learnt also
that the Doctors just don't really know what the outcome will be.My beautiful daughter is
17 years old in a couple of days and doing really well.One of her Doctors painted a really
gloomy prognosis for her future.She was diagnosed with hydro at 2 weeks and shunted at 9
months.God Bless you all.
Cathy Reeves - 01/21/00 01:33:33
My Email:jetrelic@bellsouth.net
You are truly wonderful people.... Wishing the best for you ~ and your sweet little girl.
Holly Holmbo - 01/19/00 19:21:59
My Email:hollyh@gotocrystal.net
Thank God you didn't terminate your pregnancy. We had a son who passed away in utero @ 25
wks. from holoprosencephaly on 11/30/99. His name is Tristan Anthony Holmbo. You have a
pretty little girl. Bye for now.
Pam White - 01/18/00 02:45:16
My Email:faithwalker_1019@hotmail.com
Hello, I just wanted to say that I will put you guys on my prayer list. Also I have a best
friend whose daughter was born with the same thing. As a matter of fact your story sounds
alotlike hers, except she didn't know till Jessica was born. Jessica is n ne now and is a
miracle from God! And I can't tell you how many lives have been touched forever by this
girl, just as I'm sure your child will be. Well God bless you and I will be praying for
you and your daughter.
Leslie - 01/10/00 19:27:40
My Email:etheredge@aol.com
Wow! As a new computer owner I am very impressed! Your daughter is precious and I enjoyed
seeing her pictures! Thanks for the craniotomy story as that is a decision we continue to
deal with.
Earl Long - 11/29/99 17:19:52
My URL:http://www.lynwes.org/
My Email:elong@centralva.net
Drew, Hi. I haven't seen you in a long time. I was looking through the SWU pages and came
across your web site. Praise God on how Kerri is doing. I did not know that you had a
child. But then went through these difficult times. The thing about it though is that God
has a plan for your family and He is going to bless you so much with Kerri's life. My wife
and I have not been able to have children. We have gone through invetro -fertilization but
were unable to get pregnant. We know that life is precious and that Kerri is a gift from
God. We are looking into adoption now. May God bless you abundantly. Earl
Nancy L. Stone - 11/01/99 18:32:35
Hey Drew, Julie, and Kerri, I'm at school and my internet just got hooked up. I went to
the only site I knew(SWU), and found this one, too. Give Kerri a hug for me!
Brad Roseland - 10/27/99 19:37:36
It is on very amazing story about your child. Her steps may be small, but her heart is
stronger than anyone I ever heard of. May God walk with her exery step of the way. I hope
everything works out for the best.
Chris Pixley - 10/25/99 11:56:39
My Email:cpixley@mindspring.com
Thanks for you story. We just learned that our 15 month old daughter has
holoprosencephaly. We are not sure what the futre holds, but are eager to joyfully embrace
the struggle with our little Abigail. Thank you again for your help.
Tonya - 09/11/99 03:32:11
My Email:TBabeon@AOL.COM
I have been deeply touched by your story, your daughter is beautiful. I am a mother of 5
boys and have custody of my step-neices...my youngest son, Preston, now 5 1/2 has brain
damage sustained from a Near Drowning accident that ocurred when he was 18 mon old. It has
been 4 years now, I have seen GOD move in mighty ways, but I will be honest, it has been
extremely painful. My son is a BLESSING and we love him dearly....GOD has chosen you, HE
knew you would love and nuture your daughter UNCONDITIONALLY.. .that is what this world
needs. GOD BLESS YOU and your family, I believe there is a special place awaiting us one
day. :-)
Julie Houff - 08/11/99 14:29:09
My Email:julie@isscorp.com
Hi, Drew,Julie, and Kerri. It's amazing the steps that Kerri has made. Kerri is a miracle,
and she's blessed with two loving parents who are examples of how Christ-like we all
should be. May God continue to bless with an abundance of small steps.
Lisa - 07/23/99 04:44:06
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/kerristory/www.geocities.com/Heartland/Lane/9538
My Email:LisaWell@aol.com
Kerri sure looks like a little sweet heart. Thank you for sharing your story with us. We
have 3 children. Our daughter Katie has a rare syndrome called Cornelia de Lange Syndrome.
You can visit her web site if you'd like to learn more about us. What beautiful family you
Donna - 06/15/99 02:21:34
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/Mountain/1065
My Email:turmeric@bellsouth.net
Kerri,I know you have had a hard time in your short life but my little boy has a shunt
also and now at the age of 8 yrs. is doing much better. So, hopefully,things will be
better and easier for you as you get older. I'm going to visit your page from time to
Nathan Childs - 06/11/99 00:14:20
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/nc/ndogg/index.html
My Email:childsn@hotmail.com
Hey drew this is Nathan from Columbia. I really think that is great what the Lord is doing
in the life of your little girl. God bless you and your family. Nathan
Jennifer Frazier - 05/26/99 18:07:05
My URL:http://geocities.com/Heartland/Shores/8947/index.html
My Email:rickf@wtp.net
I just happened to come accross your site. It is wonderful. You have a beautiful daughter.
I have a daughter named Rebecca with HPE who passed away a couple of months ago at the age
of 18 months old. Cherish the time you have with your baby and take n thing for granted.
Chris Kirby - 05/20/99 04:02:32
My Email:kckirby@ix.netcom
Thanks so much for sharing your story. We have a granddaughter diagnosed after birth with
HPE and were beginning to think she was the only child in the world with it. Now we are
beginning to suspect that maybe it's not as severe as we were told. What h spital did the
surgery for Kerri and helped so much? Any suggestions you have would be greatly
Krista Belliveau - 05/04/99 19:04:03
My Email:feesa@telusplanet.net
A very happy birthday to Kerri, I just love the angel picture. I must get you to send me
one. You can get my address from Gram Allison. I have email again. Please keep my posted.
Love, Cuz Krista :)
John Rader - 04/15/99 16:26:59
My Email:john_m_rader@yahoo.com
Godspeed to your family.
Don and Brenda Moffett - 03/27/99 01:59:21
My Email:beegeem@nbnet.nb.ca
Praise the Lord for your miracle child! Grandma Carol and Grampy Kerry sure do brag a lot.
Can see why!! We copied the angel picture to send to Cathy and Heather.
Auntie Jennifer - 03/27/99 00:12:24
She really is an angel!! And I am so privilaged to be her aunt!!
Auntie Jennifer - 03/27/99 00:11:00
She really is an angel!! And I am so privilaged to be her aunt!!
Andrea/Caper - 03/22/99 20:14:57
My URL:http://www.geocites.com/HeartLand/Lane/5166
My Email:weezie@netins.net
You really have been blessed with a special angel, she is beautiful!!God obviously had you
both in mind when he chose to send Kerri to you. You were chosen because of the obvious
love and support that surrounds you both. May God bless you all and Happy Bi thday Kerri!!
You will all be in my thoughts.
Joanne - 03/22/99 18:43:44
My Email:mattes@airmail.net
I loved your pictures. I am a special ed student with a student who has the same
diagnosis. Thanks for sharing your story. By the way, I loved the angel picture. Keep the
Sherrie Fry - 03/22/99 17:13:39
My Email:hricker@nb.sympatico.ca
Heartwarming story of your little miracle. God bless you all. Sherrie (Norma Lee's sister)
robin napolitano - 03/21/99 03:09:35
My Email:samikatie@webtv.com
i really enjoyed your pictures. our daughter is 7 weeks old and was diagnosed with alobar
holoprosencephaly and hydrocephalus. we are finding it hard to find information due to
living in a small populated area. i will continue to read your updates and njoy your
Patti Chisholm & Amber and Liam Carroll - 03/19/99 16:04:39
My Email:PATTIC@nbnet.nb.ca
HAPPY BIRTHDAY KERRI!! You look like a true angel in your angel wings. What an absolutely
precious picture of you. We wish you joy, fun and love on your very first birthday and are
thrilled to see you doing so well. Lots of Love, Your Maritime cousins Patti, Amber and
Carole Allison - 03/19/99 15:22:07
My Email:alliscar@nbed.nb.ca
What a beautiful little girl! She must have pretty good looking parents? Love and hugs -
Grandma Allison
Darcey Steeves - 03/18/99 23:47:19
My Email:gsteeins@nbnet.nb.ca
Hi! Thank you so much for sharing your story. I have been doing some research on birth
defects as I recently had a child with a rare defect. She was born on January 13, 1999.
When we had her everything seemed fine, we went home with her and all was we l. Then when
she was 5 weeks old she came down with a fever of 104.5 degrees. We took her to the
hospital where they did several tests and after a week of testing discovered that she was
born without a bladder. She is doing much better now and will be o antibiotics for 2 years
at which time she will undergo surgery to have a reservoir built for her in which she will
have to insert a cathedar to relieve herself. As I'm sure you know and have experienced it
has been very stressful but we have gotten thro gh it. The doctors here couldn't find any
medical info on this ever happening before until our family doctor finally came across
some info. There have been 32 cases in the world and 28 of those were stillborn. After
hearing this we believe we are extre ely lucky. I would love to hear from you. I wish you
all well and the best of luck!
vicki Hayes - 03/17/99 00:18:29
My Email:jvhayes@innova.net
the picture is so good. Kerri's a doll
Darlene Nickerson (Ricker) - 03/16/99 16:29:42
My Email:djnick@nb.sympatico.ca
Hi there guys! Happy Birthday Kerri!!!! I was able to get into the site today for the
first time and I was thrilled! Sussex is full of snow and the kids are home today. Mild
weather though. So glad to here all the exciting things going on with Kerri!! God Bless
you all! Darlene Nickerson and Alex, Ashlee and our dog Dutch! I will return you your site
again. Give the babe a kiss from me. xoxoxoxox
Hazen and Norma Lee - 03/16/99 16:06:02
My Email:hricker@nb.sympatico.ca
Our lives have been deeply touched by the life of Kerri. God certainly knows who He can
trust to bring glory to Himself through one of His little ones. He equips them with a
magnetic love, that draws everyone to them. God bless you, all three. Norma L e Ricker
Joan - 03/15/99 23:49:13
My Email:millerk@nb.sympatico.ca
Happy Birthday Kerri. You have come so far and we are so proud of you. We hope your
birthday is a happy, exciting one! Drew and Julie, you are very special parents to a very
special little girl. Thank you for sharing Kerri's story with us. We pray each and every
day for Kerri, and know that the Lord is watching over each of you. Have a great birthday
celebration! And hanks again for the update.
Lynda Pichlyk - 03/15/99 01:54:42
My Email:pichlyk@voyageur.ca
Hello, very nice web page. I too have a 2 year old son with hydrocephalus. It has been a
rough, scary road, (the unknown of infections or blockages) but he is worth every minute.
I am constantley on the internet looking for any information. If anyone ould like to
e-mail me, I look forward to talking with other parents with children with hydro. Thank
you and good luck everyone.
Tara Graham - 03/10/99 18:24:43
My Email:greg_graham@bc.sympatico.ca
Kerri is beautiful. I think she even looks like her grampie.
Brown - 03/08/99 20:16:36
My Email:browndriver@msn.com
I just looked at the pictures of Kerri. She is a beautiful little girl. That is nice of
you to share her with the rest of us. Barb Brown
Cindy - 03/06/99 06:27:30
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Prairie/6090/
My Email:cindy43@storksite.com
Hi Kerri! I just had to say what a special and beautiful little girl you are! I really
enjoyed your webpage (tell your parents they did a great job!). I **loved** your angel
picture, and your family Christmas picture was great too! Come visit our page a ytime.
I'll say a special prayer for you.
ANDREA R NUTTER - 02/20/99 14:42:12
Suzanne - 02/16/99 04:07:21
My Email:suzieq99@ican.net
Julie and Drew..I have just come from your homepage and what a truely beautiful blessing
you have from the heavens above she certainly does come with the wings in that sweet
picture..I am glad to hear that things are progressing well and will keep you all in my
prayers..take care and keep the faith God does not give us anymore than we can handle and
Kerri is one lucky girl to have such devoted parents as yourselves...Sincerely
Bronwen Chisholm - 02/10/99 14:10:28
She's a sweetie! Love the Angel Wings pic the best!
Dave Vanderpool - 02/09/99 22:41:24
My Email:DVandrpl@aol.com
This is beautiful! Great job!
philip & pam detweiler - 01/26/99 03:02:49
My Email:detweile_p@popmail.firn.edu
We have been blessed with the story of your precious treasure Kerri. We pray that the Lord
will continue to give you the strength and grace that you need each day as you minister to
your little daughter. In Christ, Philip, Pamela & Katie Detweiler
Christy McCall - 12/16/98 18:15:46
My Email:clmccall@easley.net
The new pictures are great and the poems are wonderful. God Bless all of you!!!
Caroline Allison(Keith's daughter - 12/16/98 03:31:03
My Email:keithallison@juno.com
Hi Babie Kerri WoW I made the cut don't we look like we are having fun together. Love you
Uncle Drew & Aunt Julie
Mo - 12/13/98 23:11:52
It was with pleasure that I reviewed Kerri's page. She is a treasure. I am sending my love
and a great big hug for her. Love Mo
Ann & Shannon Browning - 12/03/98 23:39:31
My Email:aasb@bellsouth.net
Drew and Julie, We are very proud to say that you have stuck together and with God through
your time of griefs. May God bless you and be with you at all times. Love Always Shannon
Jackie Moore - 11/30/98 12:24:15
My Email:moore@oconee.rms.slb.com
Hi Julie, Drew, and Kerri, I worked with Grannie Genell so I was glad to get her e-mail on
Kerri's page so we can check her progress. I know she has been a blessing to her Grandma
and she is an inspiration to hear about and now to read about. Here's hoping her progress
continues. Love, Jackie
Ben Milstead - 11/27/98 02:29:56
My Email:BenMils@aol.com
the Ted Chisholm Family - 11/26/98 18:07:49
My Email:tchish@aol.com
Congratulations on the progress Kerri has made so far. We have much to be thankful for.
May God bless and keep you in the palm of His hand as he continues to show you his awsome
power and love.
Avelene Brewer - 11/25/98 14:53:23
My Email:brewer@oconee.em.slb.com
Give praise and thanks unto the Father above for sending you this glorious baby. I know
she will keep giving you lots of joy and happiness. I will continue to pray for Kerri, you
and Julie to guide each path you take. This little angel is a blessing a d miracle for
all. She will bring happiness to everyone who knows an hears about her. God Bless all of
Martin LaBar - 11/25/98 12:55:22
We're praying, or trying to. You're going to max out your Geocities quota soon. I tried
Geocities, in fact have about half a web site there, but decided that Xoom was less
obtrusive. Aaron Ellis said the same thing. Evidently you have been able to live with
Geocities. Schaupp's class is using Angelfire, I think. Keep up the good work.
Joan - 11/25/98 12:52:01
My Email:millerk@nb.sympatico.ca
Thanks for sharing more pictures, Drew. We keep praying for your special angel and for you
and Julie, two very special parents.
Ged Stnehouse - 11/25/98 09:01:25
My Email:stnhouuse@fox.nstn.ca
Great Photo Album.... Exciting to see the progress and as always you are in our prayers I
don't suppose you will be home in Sussex for christmas... Our whole family is meeting
there on the 29th for a Stonehouse Christmas Love & Prayers Ged & Betty
Don & Shannon - 11/25/98 04:16:07
My URL:http://www.innova.net/~dschaupp
My Email:dschaupp@swu.edu
the new pics are GREAT!!
Kevin and Connie Moss - 11/02/98 03:57:25
My Email:kmoss@nbnet.nb.ca
Our thoughts and prayers are with you. You have a beautiful baby girl! Glad we've been
able to see the "baby album". Love you!
Alannah Gamblin - 10/29/98 03:58:07
My Email:snowbun@telusplanet.net
Hi! I cruise your page every so often just to see how things are doing. Kerri is so
beautiful what a little doll. The big guy above brought you guys quite a gift. Take care!
Love, cousin Alannah
Dr. Ken Farmer - 10/22/98 20:42:38
My Email:kenfarmer@juno.com
Drew, I was brousing SWU's web page looking for where they might post open positions. I
decided to see if I knew anyone there. As I looked over the employee list, I noted that
you are in information technology. As I just finished a MIS class, I was curious a out
your personal web page. I was surprised to read about your daughter. Thanks for sharing
your miracle. You are in our prayers.
Kathy Curran - 10/20/98 02:26:30
My Email:katcurran@hotmail.com
I am a member of the hyceph-l list and opened the link on your post. Kerri's story has me
in tears. What a beautiful little girl!! I completely celebrate her accomplishment of
rolling over! I know how happy you must be! My daughter Tara (bday 1-10-98 didn't roll
over until 5 months. At 6 months she was diag with a brain tumor and hydrocephalus. When
she got out of the hospital she wa 22 pounds and could not roll or hold up her head.
Within the last six weeks she can roll over tummy to back, hold h r head really well, and
she is sitting up without support 95% of the time (she still loses her balance) We too
celebrate every grabbing of a toy, etc. I never appreciated my 2 year old sons progression
as much as I have Tara's. I see the world different y now. God bless your family!
Kathy Curran - 10/20/98 02:25:02
My Email:katcurran@hotmail.com
I am a member of the hyceph-l list and opened the link on your post. Kerri's story has me
in tears. What a beautiful little girl!! I completely celebrate her accomplishment of
rolling over! I know how happy you must be! My daughter Tara (bday 1-10-98 didn't roll
over until 5 months. At 6 months she was diag with a brain tumor and hydrocephalus. When
she got out of the hospital she wa 22 pounds and could not roll or hold up her head.
Within the last six weeks she can roll over tummy to back, hold h r head really well, and
she is sitting up without support 95% of the time (she still loses her balance) We too
celebrate every grabbing of a toy, etc. I never appreciated my 2 years progression as much
as I have Tara's. I see the world differently now. od bless your family!
Laura Black - 10/17/98 02:43:20
My Email:laurablack@hotmail.com
I finally got around to visiting your page. I am amazed at daily miracles God sends our
way. He heard and answered our prayers--and will continue to do so. Thank you for sharing
the blessing known as Kerri. Give her a big hug and kiss from me!
10/03/98 01:18:47
Name: Bad Bunny | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.
Andrea Gage - 09/25/98 01:47:52
My Email:andichelle@hotmail.com
I am so glad God has blessed you with such a miracle. Since we know our God is so faithful
we can on;y know He has a plan.
Curtis Rogers - 09/16/98 19:20:05
My Email:crogers@ghsms.ghs.org
great web page.you guys are doing a super job with kerri.
Krista Belliveau - 09/16/98 16:05:02
My Email:aspire@connect.ab.ca
Drew, Julie & Kerri, I wrote some poems that I would like to share with you. The first
is entitled "Angel", the second is "A Perfect Gift". A Perfect Gift
was written by me in memory of one of my best friends who was taken from this world by
Cancer. I fee that Kerri is also very special and she is A Perfect Gift. ANGEL Guided
through life on the wings of an angel, gentle kisses breeze by your face and a sweet
sensation of peace fills your body. One star in the sky is one angels soul lighting the
heavens to guide you. Life fades fast; when the rain falls it whispers. Reminding you
about the beauty of love. Catching you off guard with an abundance of joy, filling the
void that once was. Returning you to a world of hope. A PERFECT GIFT A fearless child
brought into this world, an angel of light, an inspiration to all. The kiss of God placed
upon her head, blessed to such a special child. With almighty strength and the will to
match, courage and the love of many. A bond to such hearts was made. Friendship and
kindness you will always have, as we will be by your side forever. All my love &
prayers. Krista
Steve Chisholm - 09/15/98 11:19:46
My URL:http://bellmobility.ca/
My Email:schishol@mobility.com
glad to hear the great news of Kerri rolling over. My thoughts are with you all, and look
forward to seeing future updates on Kerri's progress.
Ron & Winnie - 09/13/98 23:48:14
My Email:rchis@nb.sympatico.ca
Our love and Prayers are still with each one of you. I know that you two need the prayers
as well as Kerri. All of you are in our minds and hearts continually. Keep the faith. Luv.
Susete - 09/05/98 22:59:30
My URL:http://the-callahans.com/susete/susete.shtml
My Email:susete@the-callahans.com
I surfed on to your page from a hydro link. My son Andrew born 10-30-95 has spina bifida
and hydro, and is doing very well. Kerri is a beautiful baby and very lucky to have you
both in her life. God bless.
Genell Dills - 09/04/98 19:05:13
My Email:dills@oconee.rms.slb.com
Of course, she's a beautiful angel. She's my GRAND daughter.......
Rita Miller - 08/29/98 01:55:35
My Email:jrmiller@tusco.net
I really enjoyed getting a chance to see you and Kerri. She is a real sweetie! The web
page is done very well and is easy to understand. May God bless you and keep you in His
care. Hang in there and continue to celebrate the love you have. Love, prayers, and
smiles, Rita
Alannah Gamblin - 08/28/98 15:52:44
My Email:snowbun@telusplanet.net
Hi Drew, Julie and Kerri! I am glad to hear of Kerri's improvements. Drew...I know our
entire family has you guys in their prayers. I will continue to wish only the best for the
Allison family. Love cousin Alannah Ps Do youthink you all could attend a wedding next
August at the cotttage!!!???
Keith, Joyce & Caroline Allison - 08/27/98 21:57:29
My Email:keithallison@juno.com
We are praying for you everyday. Your poems made Joyce cry. Remember God is in control
KC Lim - 08/27/98 13:44:39
My Email:karchoon@tm.net.my
Drew, Julie Kerri is simply wonderful. And so is your web page. I know how you guys must
have felt when Kerri lifted her head. My 20-month old daughter (Xin Chi) was about to be
able to do this but shunt infection got to her first. She may have to relearn this but Mi
helle (my wife) and I are hopeful. Miracles do happen every day! Hang in there...
Kathie & Mike Kelley - 08/27/98 02:13:45
My URL:http://members.aol.com/mikekwho/index.html
My Email:mikekwho@aol.com
We loved the web page! Kerri is adorable. I was glad to hear that she held up her head,
you must be so proud and excited. Looking forward to hearing more progress on Hyceph-l.
Kathie & Mike Kelley & the boys
David & Tanya - 08/27/98 00:54:24
My Email:date@nbnet.nb.ca
Our first sign on to your guest page. Always looking forward to your updates. Great to see
how well Kerri is doing and you guys too! Won't stop thinking and praying for ya'll
(pronounced with a southern accent). All our love.
Dave Vanderpool - 08/26/98 23:24:29
My Email:DVandrpl@aol.com
Our God is bigger than anything. His love is awesome. Build your faith on the strength and
faithfulness He has given you thru Kerri!
Patti Chisholm - 08/19/98 02:02:50
My Email:k26r2@unbsj.ca
Love seeing current pictures of Kerri. Keep em comin'. I think of the three of you often
and Kerri is always in my prayers.
Ron & Winnie Chisholm - 08/19/98 02:01:36
We are thinking of you with love, and continue to pray for all of you
Ron & Winnie Chisholm - 08/19/98 01:59:46
Ginny - 08/18/98 15:53:27
Thank you for sharing Kerri's story. I am a pediatric nurse (30 years) and currently am
working with parents with special needs children. It is through web sites and supports
groups like yours that you realize you are not alone! God bless, my prayers a e with you
and Kerri. She is a beautiful baby.
Jasbir - 08/14/98 13:40:45
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Park/6221
My Email:jassun@pacific.net.sg
hi! really touched by that poem u wrote... reading abt. kerri has made me realise how
precious life is... really glad u 'll decided to keep her...i'm proud of u guys... the
best of luck and may Kerri life a life full of bliss and happy moments...my most sincere
wishes...gd luck...and never giv up hope, okie... c yah!
Tina Miller - 08/09/98 21:44:46
Cyndee Ababon - 08/08/98 16:39:02
My Email:hababon@juno.com
Thank you for sharing your story of Kerri.
Melinda - 08/08/98 10:33:18
My Email:lukemom@home.com
God Bless you for choosing to give your beautiful daughter a chance. She is so beautiful
and lucky to have such loving parents. I pray that her surgeries are a success. Take care
& God Bless!
Mary Hooks - 08/07/98 18:43:34
My Email:mhcats@aol.com
Julie & Drew, What a beautiful daughter you have. Your story is very touching. Thank
you for sharing it.
Lisa Purcell - 08/05/98 16:50:12
My Email:Lisa.Purcell@hvps.com
Hi Drew, Julie, and Kerri! I was "co-teaching" your Lamaze class with Susan. I
happened to ask Dr. Rampey about you a few weeks ago, and he referred me to your web page.
I am so happy that you guys are doing so well! Although we didn't know each other well, I
think of you often. Your love and devotion to Kerri exemplifies what love is all about.
I'll be looking for updates!
Martin LaBar - 08/04/98 15:40:34
My URL:http://www.innova.net/~mlabar
My Email:mlabar@swu.edu
I'll try to pray. I am also a member of a ring. My animated page is the weakest link in an
animated GIF ring.
Robbie Bogan - 08/03/98 23:12:20
My Email:rbogan@clemson.campus.mci.net
I thought I would just say Hi to the Allison family. Robbie Bogan
- 08/03/98 20:04:34
Amy Miller - 08/03/98 15:41:04
My URL:http://personal.nbnet.nb.ca/ajmiller
My Email:ajmiller@nb.sympatico.ca
Drew & Julie, You should be proud of the pride you carry in Kerri. She is truly a
miracle. Never lose your faith & hope in the world, and what it will bring Kerri.
Joan Miller - 08/03/98 13:26:53
My Email:millerk@nb.sympatico.ca
Beautiful, Drew. Kerri is a very special angel, and she is so lucky to have you and Julie
for parents. Prayers and hugs. Joan
Joan Miller - 08/03/98 13:23:23
My Email:millerk@nb.sympatico.ca
Beautiful, Drew.
srampey - 08/03/98 12:31:47
My Email:srampey@pol.net
Drew, Thanks for putting this together. It is well done. I am glad to be able to refer
people to this site.
Ged & Betty Stonehouse - 08/03/98 10:35:43
My Email:stnhouse@fox.nstn.ca
We pray that your gift from God will continue to surprise the doctors and develope beyond
what we could think possible.... God bless you all...
nancy haws - 08/03/98 03:33:43
My Email:Squid923@aol.com
Kerri is a gorgeous baby and you should be so proud of her and how strong she is. I, too
have a son that was born with severe hydro and semi-lobar holoprosencephaly and also had 2
cranial surgeries just like your daughters! He is now almost 7yo and is slightly delayed
but you would never guess the problems he had when he was younger. He is in school and
plays baseball and tortures his younger brothers just like a "normal" kid.
Please don't give up hope..I was where you are n w once and I don't know how I got through
but I did. Please feel free to write me if you have any questions..maybe I could help! God
"2"...Sandra - 08/03/98 02:43:22
My Email:jackpine@gte.net
Hi, am happy to receive the updates! We keep you in our prayers, and our hopes are with
you. Jon(sas)Sandra(2)and Shawn(tex)
Cynthia J. Phipps - 07/31/98 00:50:24
My E-mail is twofeatherscmr@hotmail.com
Paula Plishka - 07/30/98 03:51:00
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/heartland/ridge/7227
My Email:nplishka@shopstop.net
Drew, Julie & Kerri, This is a wonderful page for a wonderful little
"Angel". You did a great job and our prayers are with all of you always. You are
truly blessed. Will keep checking back for updates!!! Hugs To All of You, Paula
Dee Franklin - 07/29/98 02:25:26
My Email:LadyWulf@bigfoot.com
Drew,Julie,and Kerri I continue to keep this precious angel in my prayers , along with the
rest of her family. God blesses each of us differently. he showers us with blessings, and
I give thanks daily for all he has given myself and my friends. Dee
Colleen - 07/29/98 02:06:15
My Email:carebear@ican.net
Thanks for keeping me in touch! She is a very special little girl and is a true miracle!
You have been blessed with a special little girl and she is also been blessed to have
special parents like you!
Cindy Price - 07/26/98 04:28:41
My URL:http://www.surfari.net/~pricetag
My Email:caprice6@juno.com
Thanks for sharing Kerri's story. I hope she is doing well. She is indeed a miracle! We
have a little guy who was diagnosed with hydrocephalus and spina bifida at 16 weeks
gestation. We too, we told we should terminate. Evan is ten today and is a gr at kid!! He
does have his challenges,but we are so grateful to have him in our lives. I know Kerri
will be a blessing to you.
RENEE - 07/25/98 21:14:24
My Email:rtfm12@triumph.net
added this to my bookmarks for updates...