The Ketogenic Diet

DISCLAIMER: I am NOT a medical doctor. I am the parent of a child who was on the keto diet. I cannot advise on medical issues.

The ketogenic diet has been around in the medical literature for well over 70 years. It was replaced when modern anti-convulsants became available, even though it had a very good success rate at controlling seizures. The success rate is about 75%- stopping seizures in 50% of cases and reducing them significantly in a further 25% of cases. Most kids can stay on the diet two years, get off it and never have another seizure. The diet works best in children under ten, they are less likely to cheat and eat forbidden foods and can maintain ketosis better than older kids or adults.

The diet mimics the effect of starvation. It has been known for centuries that fasting has a benefical effect on seizure control (there is a reference to this in the New Testament). Doctors at the Mayo clinic came up with a way to induce the effects of starvation (fat burning, ketosis and a change in blood Ph levels) by feeding the patient large quantities of fat and limiting protein and carbohydrate. The diet has to be rigidly controlled as any deviation can throw the patient out of ketosis and produce a seizure.

Ketogenic Diet Resources:

Dateline NBC aired a program on Charlie Abrahams, son of the director Jim Abrahams on its October 26th, 1994 edition. It also highlighted the Johns Hopkins team, Dr. John Freeman and Millicent Kelly.

Johns Hopkins has published a book on the ketogenic diet:

The Epilepsy Diet Treatment
An Introduction to the Ketogenic Diet
By John Freeman and Millicent Kelly
Demos Publications
386 Park Avenue South
New York, New York 10016
Phone: 1-800-532-8663

The Physician in charge of the Johns Hopkins keto diet program:

Dr. John Freeman
Johns Hopkins Health Systems
Baltimore, Maryland 21218
Phone: 410-955-9100

There is a foundation dedicated to the dissemination of information on the ketogenic diet:

The Charlie Foundation
1223 Wilshire Blvd., Box 815,
Santa Monica, California 90403
They have an excellent video tape available.

There is an excellent 'Keto Klub' newsletter with lots of stories of children on the diet and tips:

Keto Klub
61557 Miami Meadows Court
South Bend, Indiana 46614

On Sunday February 16th, 1997 ABC TV aired a movie directed by Jim Abrahams and starring Meryl Streep which is based on the true story of one family's success with the diet. It is called First Do No Harm

There is a ketogenic diet internet mailing list:
Ketogenic Diet Mailing list Information

This is a list of Ketogenic diet centers in America: Keto Centers

This is a nice site complete with menus and testimonials.

This is the online version of the KetoKlub newsletter. Lots of stories and tips from other parents.

There is discussion of the keto diet on on Usenet. via Deja News

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