Our CTTS (Cute Things They Say)

July 10th, 1993. We were walking to shul today and I said to Tovah "You Look very pretty." She turned to me and said "You don't."
When Tovah found out I was pregnant with Asher she said "Good, now we can get rid of Ellie!"
Age 4: Eliana had mild speech delays and could not say consonant blends very well. One day we she was sitting next to me on the couch drinking a glass of water and we had the following converstion:
Ellie: "Mommy, will I die?"
Me: "Ellie G-d forbid, I hope not."
Ellie: "No, but Mommy, will I die?"
Me: "Well, Ellie, everyone dies sooner or later. We hope you live a very long time."
Ellie: "No, mommy will I DIE?"
Me: "Ellie, let's not talk about this now!"
Ellie: "No, Mommy, what water do..will I die?"
Me: "Oh, Ellie, you mean dry? Will you dry?" The poor kid had spilled her water and was asking me if she would dry!
When Asher was three he fell down the stairs and broke his wrist. I was asked him "Asher, how's your wrist." He looked at me quizically and said "My BRIS??!!"
I gave David some corkscrew pasta. He looked at them with a sad expresion and said "I don't like caterpillars"
Our Names for Things
- Forn Clakes (Corn Flakes)-Tovah
- Wikalish (licorice)-Ellie
- Layo (yellow)-Asher
- Hope (soap)-Ellie
- Lispy Soup (split pea soup)-Asher
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