WENDY-female pomeranian.....8 to 10 years old

ears and stomach tattoed
the following letter was written by Jean Ensor and received by me shortly before Wendy's arrival.
Wendy was sent from a puppy mill to an animal shelter on july 13,1998 because she was no longer "a good breeder".
For 3 weeks she lived with 3 other poms in a kennel in the backyard of of one of the shelter workers while awaiting rescue. On 1 aug. I brought them all to my home. Wendy was dirty, stinky and full of ticks with toenails so long that they were curled under making it hard for her to walk. She had sores on her skin from flea and tick bites. She was also very overweight at 15.9 pounds. She had a few teeth, some were loose and all were crusted with a huge amount of plaque.

Wendy loves attention and will come looking for it even though she is frightened that she will be hurt or handled roughly. She is basically a very happy little dog.

8/23/98 Being a kennel dog she had no idea of housebreaking. In fact, at first, when I put her out in the yard she would stand around waiting to come back in so she could go potty. I usually go out with her and when she does go she gets praised and petted. She has already been so traumatized that any negative corrections will just make her more fearful and will not change the behavior. now after 3 weeks she will run to the door but is afraid to go out. Usually, if she starts running back and forth and acting excited, she thinks she's getting food or she has to go out.

8/27/98 Occasionally,now, Wendy will go outside under her own steam when I open the door for her.

When she began seeking attention, she would run up and and lay down belly up which is a sign of submission. She will still do that sometimes but more often now she will circle around in front of me and sit to get petted.
if she thinks she is going to get caught she will try to get away. When picked up, she gets stiff and still as though afraid of what might happen. if she thinks you're going to put her down she will wriggle and try to jump so you have to hang on. She needs to be picked up carefully with a lot support under her belly. She is great about being groomed, bathed, ears cleaned, nails clipped, etc.

She is getting playful and will try to play with the other dogs. Last night she was outside chasing moths and other night bugs that were flying around in the light.
On august 20th she was spayed and had her teeth cleaned. She has about 5 front teeth and a few molars left........

The letter goes on to explain about her diet, her habit of digging and eating grubs and eating poop.....Jean explains about wendy'd need for a hide out, lots of attention in small doses and her timidity in times of change
The letter ends
............Wendy will need lots of attention, loving and cuddling. It will take her a while to get over the move but then she should be ok. She's bringing a lot of emotional baggage with her but she can overcome a lot of it.......
Good luck and enjoy this little dog. She has a big heart and spirit..........

Wendy came to me in november, I had her flown in because no cur run was materializing. She came in with a collie that was going to Canada and was delivered right to my house. ( I took the collie to the border...reluctantly, she was such a doll!!)
Poor Wendy, she had no idea of course what was happening to her now and just wanted a place to hide...I took the door off a medium sized airline crate, put in a thick soft padding of flannel sheets and balled the shirt I had worn that day into a far corner...I put this on the far side of my bed and put her in front of it...she flew inside and stayed there for at least an hour........It took her a few days before she would come to me but now she sleeps on my bed, in the back of my neck when I'm in it and behind my backrest pillow when I'm not.I decided to keep the name Wendy, altho' she didn't have it long, it was the first and only name she's ever had.....

FEB.'99.......Wendy has decided that I'm her person and still wants nothing to do with any one else. If she's with me and sees or hears my daughter she barks and snarls, if she's alone she hides in her "cave" until I get home....

SEPTEMBER 25, 2002
it is with a heavy heart that i return to this site to tell everyone that i buried wendy today.
She had brief spell of being out of sorts, no appetite and then diarreah.
x-rays showed an abdominal mass, she was put on a fluid iv and was to have a biopsy first thing the following morning.
she went to the bridge an hour before her scheduled surgery.. her bloodwork showed that she was filled with cancer.. godspeed wendy, i will never forget you and will always miss you.. i will also always be glad that you were a part of life even for such a little while..
" I live among Godīs creatures now In the heavens of your mind So do not grieve for me, my friend As I am with my kind" "My collar is a rainbowīs hue My leash a shooting star My boundaries are the Milky Way Where I sparkle from afar." "There are no pens or kennels here For I am not confined But free to roam Godīs heavens Among my doggie kind." "The trees are full of liver treats And tennis balls abound And Milkbones line the walking ways Just waiting to be found." "I drink from waters laced with gold My world a beauty to behold And wise old dogs do form my pride To amble at my very side." "At night I sleep in angelīs arms Their wings protecting me And moonbeams dance about us As stardust falls on thee." " So when your life on earth is spent And you reach Heavenīs gate Have no fear of loneliness For here, you know I wait."