once upon a carribean island


I lived in a quiet corner of Puerto Rico,called Ramey, for 15 years.
Ramey, is on the other end of the island from San Juan and not even mentioned in the tourist guides. It used to be an air force base. When the air force left, the base was turned over to the P.R. government and the houses rented out. In 1986 all the houses were sold to private individuals and within less than a year most were remodeled so completely that it was hard to believe they had once been military barracks.

All the houses are made of concrete and used to look like boxes with their flat roofs and unadorned frontages. Some of the changes made to them are truly amazing.(who says "you can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear")

Click on the thumbnails for a larger image

Because of the temporate climate and high humidity the plants on the island are incredibly lush and colorful

The brilliant red hibiscus is very common and usually seen as a privacy hedge.
The double and triple bloom hibiscus, rarely seen on the mainland, is more often used as a decorative accent.
One of the most dramatic trees found on the island is the red Flamboyan.

Puerto Rico has some of the most beautiful beaches in the carribean.
Unfortunately ,in the tourist sectors, they are are also the dirtiest. In contrast, the beaches on my end of the island, are the ones seen in the tv ads and rarely by visitors.

In Puerto Rico lives a little singing frog called a coqui.It sounds just like its name. If taken from the Island the coqui will live but will not sing.

Shortly after coming to live on the island one of my dogs jumped out of an open window and disappeared for a few hours. When she returned she was carrying what appeared to be a large , colorful parrot. One of my neighbors saw her and told me:" take that, bury it, dont tell anyone and make sure to keep that dog confined!!" It was not a parrot, but someones fighting cock.
I had wondered about hearing roosters crowing in a residential area, apparently fighting cocks were not not counted in the poultry restrictions . Just about everyone seemed to have a round wire contraption containing one of these colorful birds.

Christmas in Puerto Rico is like a totally different holiday from what we are used to in the States. The music is unique and representative of the carribean culture. For a small sample go to MY CARRIBEAN CHRISTMAS PAGE">