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i was born on oct. 11, 1998 in a shed located in a little town in coastal maine..
on dec. 5 my new mommie's mommy brought me home and I was given a new name. before that my name was very long and sounded like:" thattdampuppyisgonnabehereforever"

my hobbies and interests are running, jumping, playing, eating, going for walks. my favorite games are tug-a-war and fetch.
     i like to carry things around and always have something in my mouth... i learned  that carpets are not good places to bury bones.....AND..... when you bury bones in the laundry basket, sometimes they  disappear and come back smelling very strange

my best friend is Babe, she has a short tail, and a squooshy facw and sometimes she picks on me but most of the time we play and play and play........
the other fur kids are pretty old and don't play much, but sometimes the tall skinny one will race me and the big squooshy faced one will play tug the little fuzzy one is not too friendly

i have a mom that i sleep with and play with and a grandma that feeds me, bathes me (yuck), brushes me (ehh) sticks needles in me(wahh) and takes me and mommy for rides