my greyhound page

Welcome to my greyhound page

a look at life after the track

MEET CHANCE,he's a retired racing greyhound adopted through Fast Friends. Since he retired at only 2 yrs. old he probably he didnt do well in the races But as a companion he cant be beat. Ive lived with chance for 4 yrs. now and he is a quiet, clean and gentle dog.He peacefully cohabits with 3 cats and an 8 pound pomeranian.For information on where and how to adopt a greyhound please go to"greyhound rescue and adoption"

I have always had german shepherds;

That probably seems like a strange way to begin a story about greyhounds, but,when I came to Maine in 1993 I did not have a dog and was waiting for my own house before looking for one(a shepherd of course)If I ever thought about racing greys it was to assume that when they retired, they retired like race horses that are put out to pasture. THEN there was a special on t.v. about what happens to them and they had an 800#. The rest is history. Chance was delivered to me at work. He had been chosen as right for my home because he fostered well with cats.(he was absolutely terrified of them especially my siamese milu)It took 3 years before he would pass a cat but now he gets along very well with the 3 ive got.

When I got my own house I put up a temporary, flimsy chicken wire fence so I could let him run while I watched him. I soon realized that to him that fence was like an uncrossable barrier and could let him out by himself.The fence had to be replaced with something higher and sturdier when I aquired an 8 pound pomeranian.Before the pom, his buddy was a little black mixed breed dog that belonged to my sister.

I had always considered greyhounds to be a nervous breed that needs a lot of exercise, just the opposite they are total couch potatoes.

Seven months later

Well its been a long time since Ive done anything with these pages, but its been a strange sad year. In addition to my father I lost 2 other people I cared about deeply and while I was trying to put some meaning into all that for my young daughter, our pomeranian Smokey very unexpectedly and suddenly died of a stroke. He was a young dog, only 6, and our vet really didnt have any answers except that it was probably something genetic. I guess that is always a chance you take when you aquire a dog from an unknown source.
Now, while I could explain to my daughter that Smokey did not suffer and his death could not have been prevented, the greyhound was another story. All Chance knew , was in the middle of a laid back evening his buddy yelped, fell down, was scooped up by his person; he was put into a room alone the car started and some hours later when I let him out of the room Smokkey was gone and I smelled like (oh, horrors), I smelled like VET!!!!! This was on august 12. Well, not to ramble on too much, although we really werent ready for another dog, Chance has lost 10 pounds since then. (he's on special supplements and vitamins) but he's lonely. I invited over another greyhound, no good, he wanted nothing to with her. I should have known bettewr, we have never done the fun race meets or socialized with other greys because Chance wants nothing to do with them. I borrowed some puppies, he didnt like them either. My friend brought over her pom, that brightened him up a lot until the other dog went home.SO....... I looked for another pom, not so easy,found one almost local breeder, but there was a waiting list for pups and I really wanted an adult dog.
Found all these ads for rescue groups for breed dogs, remember my starting line ( I have always had german shepherds) Didnt apply to foster those , applied to foster BOXERS, have always liked boxers and they are more likely to get along with the grey. Also, found there actually is a pomeranian rescue group and have a pom coming from Missouri. I have received her picture and sent in my adoption fee and she will be be here as soon as the volunteer transport can get her comfortably from Miss. to Maine. She is an 8 yr old female who was rescued from a puppy mill. While looking for a pom I checked through canine rescue, just because, and found there are rescue groups for just about every breed. The biggest need for homes at this time appears to be for german shepherds and black labs. The toy breeds are mostly rescues from puppy mills were they are used to breed innumerable litters of overpriced and underbred pups for the pet shop trade. A local pet shop right now has a pom pup for almost $900. with a 21 day warranty. I checked as much as I could and that pup comes from Missouri from a " multiple breed broker". You can go to a reputable breeder and buy a papered pet quality pom with an extensive health history for a lot less money than that, you just dont get a weekly payment plan. I have not gotten any dogs to foster yet but any that come here will be featured on these pages and will have a vet record and as complete a history and social file as I can compile. I hope to do canine good citizen and therapy dog training with the dogs I foster so that they have the best possible chance for a good home.
A very important note!!!!!!!!!!:Although I only have one greyhound and will be fostering other breeds I dont want to put the greys in any kind of negative light. They are beautiful unique dogs that make great companion dogs and many people have found them to be like potato chips "you cant have just one" i dont know what Chances race history was except it was very short and he came covered in racing scars BUT, he does not like other greyhounds and all the others I Have met seem to like each other better than other breeds. For some reason Chance appears to feel theatened by other greys so I wont subject him to having to share his home with them. I do know that even so he is my only grey he wont be my last one.

UPDATE 1/1/99
many changes have occurred. Chance is now sharing his home with three new dogs.wendy, the rescued pom finally arrived. I wound up having her flown in. For more about Wendy, go to "wendy's story"

may '99 Pet Show...........
Today we went to a pet show in the Walmart parking lot and I entered Chance in the "large pure-breds" category....He got a third place ribbon...there were 12 or 13 dogs entered and shown in that category and two others were greyhounds.
He also met a whole group of visiting greys and for the first time , if not actually social, he did not back away or growl at any of them..........
november 19, 2004, chance passed away peacefully today. He had been treated for heart disease for the past few month and had been failing steadily.. He is being cremated and his ashes will be buried next to wendy in the spring...


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