my page of cats

Welcome to my page of cats!

Here you will meet a most varied assortment of felines.

Every life should have 9 cats

Rosie,the black cat, lives where i work and is an enthusiastic volunteer on the decorating comittee. Rosie has also shown that cats are just as theraputic as dogs.

Meet Foolish, his name needs no explanation. This cat will not go outside through a wide open door but will squeeze through the smallest space to exit through a window. When he gets out he is horrified to find the same place he saw through the doorway. He is the only cat I've ever seen drink out of the toilet.

The feeling is mutual

Milu 1983-1998,until her untimely death, due to an inoperable tumor, this feisty little sealpoint ruled my household with an iron paw through moves from the tropics of Puerto Rico to Maine with its bitter winters. Nothing ever shook her composure, she ruled over large and small dogs and cats 1/10th her age and twice her size without ever unsheathing her claws. It was all attitude. Although I have 3 cats now and expect to get another sealpoint siamese, there will never be another like her. She will always be missed.

may 13, 1999
well, I guess it has been awhile... my cat population has now been increased to five, but still no seal point has come to live here...three of the five are siamese mixes. then there's Foolish, of course. After loosing milu I decided to look around for a Maine coon cat and soon got a call from the humane society about Sitka. He is a now, four year old neutered male who was surrendered to the humane society because he showed "some agression" toward his owners toddler..When I went to look at him, there a small lynx point female in the next cage.She was a timid, skinny stray that was so infested with ticks that shewas on her third treatment and not able to be released til the following monday..Well, I took Sitka home and of course went and got her when the humane society finally released her......We named her Annie. Neither she nor Sitka will stay indoors all the time, but however Annie became a stray it was not because she ran away from home.Since the first day she has never left the yard and no matter how long she stays outside, she always comes in to use the litterbox during the day and as soon as it starts to get dark in the evening..Sitka will not use the litter box at all but also does not go far..
And then came Scully,.......
somewhere around september of last year my daughter called me from massachussetts..her cat was "picking on" her room-mates cat and terrifying it so it was afraid to come off the refrigerator. The other cat had been there first, so Scully had to go...Because of the rules of the apartment building, Scully had been declawed....This did not improve her disposition..What could I Scully was delivered, slightly groggy and seemingly peaceful.....My daughter made a rather hasty exit, pleading an appointment in Bangor and having to go directly back to mass. from there.About two hours later Scully woke up and demanded out of the carrier as only a siamese can demand... Well we worked it out..Scully eventually accepted the move and my bite wounds healed. She does have a rather quirky personality and some rather strange sleeping habits.