april 24,1999
today Babe went to a pet show and was entered in the category "large purebreds".....it was a show put on by a local sorority and strictly for fun....
the good news is: Babe won a ribbon for "most unique dog in catagory"The better news is:SHE DID NOT BARK, GROWL OR LUNGE AT ANY OTHER DOG THERE
We appear to have made a major behavioral breakthrough......now, on to more formal training, because I hope to become involved in obedience and agility trials with her at some time in the near future.........her inmediate future activities will be the canine good citizen test and then therapy dog testing.....
NOV '99
In early june of this year I went to the DVM to register my car. There in the parking lot was a van with boxer licence plates and I spoke to the woman walking towards it .. When i mentioned that I foster for MBR she got very exited and asked me to please get this poor boxer out of a shelter a few towns over....I called as soon as I got home and made arrangements for the next morning..(it was an hours drive and the shelter worker could not wait for me that day)
Imagine my surprise when I arrived the next day and realized that this boxer was well know to me....She had belonged to a local business that closed a few weeks before . According to the paperwork with her they were unable to keep her. Several placements had not worked out and they reluctantly placed her in the shelter...
Trixie is my "failed foster"
she was originally up for adoption with MBR and several potential "out of state "homes had been found for her. Nothing definite tho' and meanwhile Trixie made herself at home....
She was absolutely wonderful with the residents at my job and loved by every child she met...So, we worked on her slight behavior aberrations... She was officially removed from the "available for adoption list" in early september and is now a permanent member of our family..
I guess it's been a while and I have a lot of new pics to add as well as another previosly unmentioned member of our fur family.
Maddy-the-Mutt joined our family in '98 about a week before babe did......... because my daughter wanted to do her own Maddy page she was never added here.. it's been a year and 1/2 and it's time so there is now a Maddy page at "madline's page"
two good reasons, not to hang your hat on a fence..
another appearance at a local petshow
on the job
boxer backtalk
just a few pages before bedtime
this piece of furniture has been tested and approved by inspector #2125
just playing around
OCTOBER 2, 2000
It with deep sadness that I have to announce the passing of Trixie to the rainbow bridge.
She was having surgery to remove an abdominsl mass and it was found to be inoperable.. Trixie's anesthesia was increased and she was allowed to go into a permanent sleep..... her illness came quickly, was of short duration and she was not in pain during the interval between the onset and the surgery.....
Trixie was a loved member of our family and a talented therapy dog..... She will be greatly missed by many.....
NOVEMBER 23, 2006
Babe continued her work as a therapy dog for several more years. Then our facility had a total dog ban for a few years and she couldn't come with me.
the ban was recently lifted an babe was able to come back with me on occasions that there was no other dog there. we were working on lifting the only one dog at a time rule.
Babe was never a pet, but rather a beloved and trusted companion.. Her muzzle grayed, she bcame a little stiff and needed help getting into the suv, but that boxer spirit never flagged. Then on tuesday night, november 14th, the unthinkable happend. Babe got up from a sound sleep looking distressed and panting, as i checked her over, her abdomen was expanding and her body felt cold. We rushed to the vet and she was in surgery within an hour of the onset of symptoms. her stomach had twisted around itself and the spleen. altho' she survived the surgery and everthing was put back into place, the damage was too great. at 3 a.m. thursday morning i was advised that everything that could be done, had been done and she was beginning to suffer. i had to make the hardest decision of my life and give permission to let her go.
Godspeed sweet Babe, you left a legacy of love and memories and so much more.. because of you, there will now always be a boxer in my life. because of you, that boxer will be a therapy dog. these are the last pictures taken of babe.
a walk on the beach
Babe and my 5 month old grandson.
here are some boxer links
go to"second chance Boxer Rescue"
BOXER Ring site
is owned by _Brigitte_.
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