Andy,Betty,&Ira Mongeni Andy,Toney,&Ira Mongeni
Picture taken in 1920 Picture taken in 1939
Betty, Odie, & Mae Mongeni
Picture taken in 1960
Colleen Mongeni & Odie Ira & Edwin Mongeni
Colleen is my Mom Edwin is my Dad
Welcome to our page.
We are searching for info on Andy Mongeni,
his 5 brothers, & 1 sister that came
into America thru New York.
They entered between 1900-1908.
One brother may have been named Antonio or Anthony.
The sister's name was believed to be Maria.
If you have info on these people please email me.
I have a lot of family in Virginia.
Part is in Amelia County and the surrounding area.
There I have ties with a few surnames:
Thompson,Dawson,Hood,Frost,Roberts, and Ashman.
In Allegheny County I have ties to these surnames:
Overton, andVest.
Here I have ties to these surnames:
Click below for The Mongeni Family Tree
(GEDCOM format)