A Poem that describes our town. Found By our White Wolf.

~ The Town of Don't You Worry ~

There's a Town called "Don't-You-Worry", On the banks of Lake Diversity's "River Smile"; Where the "Cheer-Up" and "Be-Happy" Blossoms smile sweetly all the while.

Where the "Never-Crumble" flower blooms beside the fragrant "Try", And the "Ne'er-Give-Up" and "Patience" lyrics turn their faces to the sky.

In the valley of "Contentment", In the province of "I-Will", You will find this lovely city, At the foot of Magic's Hill.

There are thoroughfares delightful In this very charming town, And on every hand are shade trees Named the "Very-Seldom-Frown".

Rustic benches quite enticing You'll find scattered here and there, And to each a vine is clinging Called the Frequent-Earnest-Prayer.

Everybody there is happy And is singing all the while, In the town of Don't-You-Worry, On the banks of River Smile.

~ I. J. Bartlett ~

Congratulations go out to Glo and Steve. Welcome to the world Samuel Gerald. Born Fri. Dec. 22,2000 at 6:08 PM. Seven pounds , seven ounces.

Congratulations also now can go out to our Newest set of Parents Jim and Debi. They just had their first child. They are the proud parents of a bouncing baby boy ,and his name is Jonathan James.. after both their dads.. weight was 8lbs 10 ozs.. length 19".. born 1-03-01...at 6:03 pm..

Congratulations Glo & Steve , Jim & Debi

Welcome to Webville everyone! We hope to bring you a village that the whole family can enjoy. We are building our town as we speak and I hope to be able to show you very shortly. We will have some sports related pages and a post office for you to leave a message. There is a General Store where you can find some interesting things and a playground for the children.

It is now the begining of September so check back soon to see our growth.

Thank You

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Our Playground is a page for children. It has many links to sites one of our parent's lets her children use. They are safe sites.

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