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Jeff's Place!

Jars Of Clay.

Hi I'm itunplugged.
I signed up on 04/11/98 15:29:23, but have just started to move in . My mom's been helping me. If you have any good html help-sites , email me!

Hi this is Jeff's mom, he is a bit busy right now, school, work, taking piano lessons, giving his grandma piano lessons, JAM, and Teen Extreme, Teen Extreme band practice, and now Bible Bowl. But he will be adding more as time permits... My interests are:
Christian Music, Playing Guitar and Piano.(Thanks For the guest bk mom , At school)

The description of my page is:
Christian Music
Playing Guitar

Picture of me Fishing with my cousins last fall

Please come back soon and visit me, I still have alot of unpacking to do. Sign my guestbook and let me know what you think

A MUCH Younger Me

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See my page at Moms house

Come back soon! This will get better!

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