Always Living in Our Hearts

Whitespruce's Stitches.
December 18, 1991 - October 23, 2002.

Stitches was a rescue, and a veteran racing siberian, having run the Maine 250 in lead with one of her former owners. She was a real asset to our team and a dog with personality plus! Wear your silver harness with pride, Stitch - you earned it ten times over. Always in our hearts.....

Kimlan's Mystik Powers.
January 24, 1990 - December 27, 2005

Brought home at 9 weeks and a house pet until she was 4 years old, she became one of our steadiest workers in harness and went on her last run a week and a half before she had a stroke one month shy of her 16th birthday.
Mystik loved being a wheel or team dog but absolutely refused to lead.
Mystik, handled by Anne, had also successfully completed the "Pawsitive Image" evaluation and, together, they were approved as an animal visitation team.
Run free and wear your silver harness with pride 'Babe'

Above pictures taken February 2005, Mystik was 15 years old. She will be missed

Kimlan's Shootka
September 5, 1990 - March 15, 2006

Shootka, also known as 'Narly' was 15.5 years old when she crossed the Rainbow Bridge. She and Mystik (the b/w connection) used to run in team together but due to knee operations when she was younger Shookie was no longer able to run in harness comfortably the last few months. Shootka also, handled by Bob, had completed the "Pawsitive Image" evaluation and they, too, were approved as an animal visitation team.

December 27, 1996 - September 24, 2006

also known as 'The Doze' in the house, and 'Awesome Dawson' in harness, was almost 10 years old when he was suddenly taken from us due to bloat. He had taken over from Anvik as our main lead dog and provided power steering to the front of any team.
Dawson had his first sled ride at 10 weeks, ran in harness for the first time at 4 months, raced in Pennsylvania at 7 mos. and ran in the Sprint 7 at Marmora in 1999 and Kemptville in 2001 & 2002 in team. He would run in any position and for anyone. He was the easy-going, do-anything-for-food (or his 'mum')boy. Dawson will be greatly missed by many.

Naakeah's Jessie,
January 15. 1994 - April 10, 2007
"Jess" was our other gee/haw leader. Jess joined Anvik in retirement from the lead position and did not run much this past winter due to arthritis. Last summer, at 12, Jess decided to go for a tour on her own and was missing for 5 days. When we finally found her I don't think she had any intention of coming home yet.
In her younger days, Jess ran the Sprint 7 at Marmora in team in '97 and in lead with Anvik in '98. In 2001 & 2002 ran for Bob in Kemptville with Anvik.
Jess came to me as a shy, singleton pup who couldn't be shown due to a 'kink' in her tail. Sledding brought out the best in my Jess and she was happiest being my power steering when out on a run and on hills would always look over her shoulder at me as if to say "Get OFF and help!"
Run free, Jessie girl, you surely earned that new silver harness many times over..

Orogem's Call of the Wild."Anvik"
June 8, 1992 - October 30, 2007
, The best darn leader, ever, Anvik could lead a team through a crowded parking lot with his gee's and haw's and had a terrific memory for trail in his prime. He led Kevin's team in the Sprint 7 at Marmora in 1997 & 1998 and Bob's team in Kemptville in 2001 & 2002. Anvik won the Leader Challenge 2 years in a row, 2005 & 2006. He spent a short time in the show ring until he and Bob found sledding to be much more fun. He was "Uncle Anvik" to the yard and took care of anyone that was hurt and never had a mean word to any of his kennel mates. Anvik is now running free with his former co-leader, Jessie, and his long-time running mates Shootka, Mystik and Dawson. Wear your silver harness with pride, Uncle Anvik. We will miss you in the yard and on the trail.

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Special thanks to Ann Hernandez for the Running Siberians

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