Directions to Parks
Farran Park -  From Hwy 31 or 416 head east and exit at the Ingleside/Dickensen Drive exit.  Go south as far as you can go (Ford dealership on the right) Turn right onto Cty Rd 2 (formerly Hwy 2), go past Becker's on your right and you will see Farran Park on your left.
Guindon Park(Middle Entrance) - exit the 401 at Long Sault and go south to the lights.  Turn left at the lights onto Cty Rd 2 and head toward Cornwall.  Just past the tracks is the 1st entrance.  You will see Pioneer Corners up ahead on your left when you reach the second/middle entrance, which is on your right.; If you pass Pioneer Corners you have gone too far.
Larose Forest - from Ottawa take the 417 East to Limoges exit and go north (left) through Limoges.  You will pass Route 300 on your right, come into Limoges, pass Route 200 W on your right. Continue through Limoges and the road curves to your right and becomes Indian Creek Road.  At the curve on the left is Russland Rd.  Continue around the curve and pass Sanmure Rd on the left.  Continue along past a few houses and you will enter the forest area.  The next road on the left leads to the Indian Creek Parking Lot.  An unplowed road on the right is Grant Rd.  Turn left (there is no road sign) and follow the road until you come to the parking lot.
Mille Roches Campground -  From Hwy 31 or 416 head east and exit at the Long Sault/Moulinette Rd exit (next one east fromabove).  Go south to lights, through the lights heading over the causeway.  Follow the road past the park entrance booth until you come to Mille Roches campground on your right.
Power Dam -  exit the 401 at Power Dam Drive if heading east.  Go south over the railroad tracks, through traffic lights at Cty Rd 2 and keep going south as far as you can go.  Turn right at the stop sign, go through the brick entrance gates and you will see a parking lot on your right.
Riverside Campgroundexit the 401 at Upper Canada Road (between Morrisburg and Ingleside exits), go south to County Rd 2 and turn right.  The campground is <> 1 km along on the south side.  Follow the road into the campground until you find us.
Sugar Bush - exit the 401 at Upper Canada Road (exit between Morrisburg exit to the west and Ingleside exit to the east) and go south.  Just over the overpass you will see a parking lot on your left and Dinosaur World on your right.  We will be in the parking lot  to your left. There is an alternate access - continue south to the #2 (as far as you can go) and turn left.  The first road that you come to on your left is an access road to the maintenance building for the park.  We will be parked on that road if we cannot get access to the trail from the parking lot.
See you there!!!
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