
Hi! A little about us:

We share our lives with 9 Siberian Huskies - Chiku, Blue and her brother Captain, Kali, Buzz, Mush, Panda and her brothers Tug and Elf (Blue & Buzz's pups). Also with Shilo, our rescue Alaskan Klee Kai/mini Sibe (thanks Sidney!!) and our latest addition, an Australian Shepherd named Magnum.

Bob is a teacher and Co-ordinator of Trades at the local college and Anne is now retired from the local municipal government office. Winters are spent dog sledding with their recreational sledding group run by Bob & Anne, with the help of the group members, and is dedicated to 'Getting Working Dogs Off Unemployment' by introducing single/multiple pet owners to the enjoyment of the sport of dog sledding (see Introduction). Summers are also spent with the dogs, whether working around home or taking classes in agility or herding.

Thanks for dropping in, check out our other pages and please:

The Truck that Bob Built!

Guestbook by GuestWorld

Intro to Our Sledding/Carting Club

2009/10 Carting/Sledding Schedule

Directions to Parks for Training Days

Our Furry 'Kids'

Waiting at the Rainbow Bridge

2006 Blue and Buzz Puppies!

Sledding Pics- Early Days

2003/2004 Fall Training Pics

2003/2004 Sledding Pics

2006 -2007 Season Pics

2007/2008 Fall Training/Dryland Pics

2007/2008 Sledding Pics

2007/2008 Sledding Pics

2007/2008 Off Season Activities Pics

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Updated August 27, 2009