by Katie Crosby 
December 1998



This Page is the result of a semester's worth of "mining the Internet" for information that would help me incorporate technology in my classroom. Because I am an art teacher, I have created two pages that focus on art. Because I am the technology contact for my school and am interested in securing funding for projects to promote the use of technology in the classroom, I have included many grant links and a link to my grant page. Finally, I am including a page that I call "Hands Around the World," which is a page that links students at my school wth students in the Netherlands.
Please don't froget to visit my school's home page. While I didn't create it for this class, several of the pages there are a result of what I learned in this class.


The Links Page

  The Technology Project

  Hands Around the World

  My Multicultural Art Page

  The Art Teacher's Resource Page

Information Policy Critiques




e-mail comments or questions to me at

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