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Tim Chambers - 11/09/00 19:12:22
My Email:siamroad@yahoo.com

Kelly, It's so good to see you doing the Lord's work. I pray that you and your family will keep up the good work. May God bless you and your congregation as you minister the great message of Jesus Christ. The next time my family and I are in Myrtle Beach, I will look you up and may get to attend a service. Pray for my ministry. Tim

patrick ritter - 10/11/00 07:42:26
My Email:pritter2@prodigy.net

i came a few years back and i loved it and i am wanting to have a tape sent to me every mount of oneof the servies a month of the whole sevice if possible and here is my mailing addres it is patrick ritter 10738 pyle str leesburg florida 34788 include a text of the sermon of every week if possible and worship music tapes of once a month thank you love in christ patrick ritter

Brenda - 07/27/00 23:38:46
My Email:madigrammie@cheerful.com

We were vactioning in Myrtle Beach last year August 27-Sept 6, 1999 We went to your church Sunday morning and felt right at home Your worship was so good and everyone was so friendly and welcomed us with open arms, just like family My grand-daughter w nt to Little Church and had a great time also Continue doing God's work Many may blessing to you God bless!!!

chuck blake - 04/20/00 19:22:12

see you on easter! HE has risen indeed.

Kingsway Pentecostal Holiness Church - 10/11/99 04:07:47
My URL:/kingswaychurch
My Email:je070747@aol.com

Really did enjoy your church website. Very informative. May God continue to bless your church.

Pastor J Whitehurst - 05/14/99 11:30:25
My Email:jacobwhitehurst@hotmail.com

I loved your site. It gave me some wonderful ideas of how to put ine together for the church that I pastor. May God continue to enrich and bless you. Pastor Jacob Whitehurst Sr. Pastor of the Fellowship of Jesus Christ

animon philip - 11/30/98 14:59:25
My Email:schacko@emirates.net.ae


Melissa and Mo Wells - 10/29/98 18:03:36

Praise the Lord!!

Pam McKnight - 10/28/98 01:50:05
My Email:Pjasper@aol.com


10/03/98 01:16:30
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.

Dennis Reed - 08/24/98 14:23:09
My Email:dreed@coastal.edu


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