Wishes For All......
I've asked everyone if they had a wish for the Present and Future Gniechs.
Of course everyone did.
"Success, Health, and Happiness... In no matter what they do. And I wish they would all live theirs lives to the fullest."
Irene Julia Gniech 5/28/1904
"The Gniech family is a very special family! I am proud to be a part of them. Gary and Stephan are proud to carry on the name of Gniech, and have passed it on to their sons! Although we may not be related by 'blood' --- we are related by 'LOVE'! May God Bless You."
Esther Ruth Gniech Snyder 10/28/1927
"You must live own life and don't let anyone live it for you."
Melissa Marie Gniech McCoy 3/12/1974
"In the Present we are but a brief history in Time. The Past will always be looked upon with the fondest of memories. It is my fondest wish that we all live each day of the Present to the fullest, as if it is already the Past."
Patricia Ann Gniech 9/22/1966
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