Clarence 'Bud' Gniech and Family

At thirteen months old Bud got hold of an open safety pin and like all children he placed it in his mouth. Grandpa John rushed him to Saint Joseph's Hospital where the doctors removed it, leaving Little Buddy unharmed. Bud's school years were filled with trials and some errors. In the third grade after leaning about Europe and Africa, his teacher asked him what he thought of the experience. Bud's reply "I'm never going to Europe or Africa, so why should I learn about such places?" Those places would turn into reality for Bud in the years to come. "Bud use to tell childhood stories of the numerous friends he played with and how he would 'slip-out' and try to sneak back in without Ma and Pa knowing. Most times Ma and Pa would be up waiting for him." (Ruth Gniech Snyder)

At the age of sixteen, Bud quit high school and became a Western Union Messenger. Grandma Irene always told him "you're infatuated with wearing a uniform." When Bud turned seventeen, World War II was raging in Europe. Bud wanted to serve his country but he was too young for the U.S. Army. Determined Bud decided to try joining the Polish Army; the recruiter knew Bud was not old enough to join so he called Grandpa John. Being even more determined to serve with his friends Bud begged and pleaded till Grandpa John gave his consent. Bud joined the U.S. Army in June, two months before his eighteenth birthday.

His first tour of duty was boot camp, at Fort Stills Oklahoma. This is where Bud met and married Rachel. Bud and Rachel met at an USO Dance. During his next tour, Bud saw much of Africa with General Patten. Bud was wounded and developed amnesty while fighting somewhere in France. The Red Cross contacted Grandpa John and Grandma Irene to help Bud retrieve his memory. Grandma Irene gave the Red Cross all of his likes and dislikes. Bud's memory returned when he was reminded about his 'Sunshine' his little sister Elizabeth.

Bud and Rachel are the parents of Ronald and Roland.

Bud is the grandfather of Nicole, Colby & Dustin (Roland & Sue are the parents); Lisa (Ronald & Ann are the parents). Their are 4 great-grandchildern.


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