Hello and Welcome to My Page.

Hello. My name is Karen. I own two horses, some rabbits, and other animals.

I do not raise rabbits anymore, but I did raise and show for a number of years. In the past, I have raised tans, Netherland dwarfs, mini rex, dutch, mini lops, and a pair of one or two other breeds.

The horse in the picture is September's Legacy (Lacy for short). She was a yearling when the photograph was taken and has grown a lot since that time.

The picture was taken right before Lacy and I went on to win Reserve Champion Halter Showmanship at our county 4-H achievement days in 1998. She is now about 15 hands tall, and quite stunning.

For pictures of a few of my animals.

For iris pictures.

For old pictures of the water trying to invade our farm.

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