About Me

Well, I guess I should tell you a little about myself.  I'mDena and I am a graduate from Marshall High School.  I'm 19 years old and my birthday is January 21, 1981.

My Family:  Well, I have a big family.  I have 3 brothers and 2 sisters, a total of 6 of us!  My oldest brother Jason is 24 and is at BYU Hawaii right now for college.  Last summer he was an EFY counselor.  I have a sister, Tia, who's 16 and is at the High School.  She is going to be a Junior this next school year. Next in line is Todd.  He's 14 and is in the 8th grade. Cara's 12, and was the baby till Travis was born. Travis is the loud one in the family.   He's 4 years old.

I got accepted to Ricks College in Rexburg, Idaho.  I love

college.  It's awesome and my roommates are great!  So is everyone else up there...:)  (especially Matt!) One thing I've learned in college is that time sure flys by really fast! I was surprised how fast the school year went by and I am sorry it didn't last longer!
If you
want to know more just EMAIL ME!

Wedding Plans

Matt and I will be married August 22nd in the St. Louis, Missouri Temple at 9:30 in the morning. These are our plans as of right now. I am very excited that I get to spend forever with Matt and make fun of him..hehehe. Just kidding! Just in case you don't know much about Matt I will tell you about him. He was born February 18th, 1978. He loves to play soccerand he plays the piano a little, too, along with the trombone. Hehe, all of you that come to this website probably know both of us anyways so I will stop talking about us, alright? Hehe, I found a wedding counter on the internet. It's not very attractive, but oh well. It made me laugh! :)

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