Welcome to my guestbook! Thank you for stopping by and taking a look around. Don't forget to sign my book on your way out the door! *G*

BELGARION - king of Riva - 11/23/99 15:18:39
My URL:http://www.belgarionhome.cjb.net
My Email:the_belgarion@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: SWEDEN
How did you find me?: through Altavista
Great page! But the text are a bit dizzy sometimes...

Trey^^ - 03/21/99 04:43:25
My Email:wbblakemore@pobox.com
Where are you from?: Princeton, NJ, USA
How did you find me?: God willed it?
G'day, my dear ... thinking of you, and looking forward to your visit to the States this summer.

Dave Walters a.k.a. Ice/Drizzen - 02/08/99 17:14:44
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Nook/1203/
My Email:eek44@thedoghousemail.com
Where are you from?: Canada eh
How did you find me?: Me and You go way way way way back from the pub
Hey haven't talked to in forever thought i'd come see if anything on your site has changed and it has visit my new one. Wondering if you still visit the pub. Anyways gotta dash

Geran - 12/25/98 14:43:23
My Email:mesleyfa@globalnet..co.uk
Where are you from?: Plymouth, England
How did you find me?: ICQ
Cool Web Page!

Poledra - 11/27/98 23:47:49
My Email:hanna.betts@usa.net
Where are you from?: Sweden
How did you find me?: Searching the net for Poledra
So, there´s at least two of us.... I´m a member of a Swedish fantasy society where my nickname is Poledra. Good name, eh?

10/03/98 01:14:27
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.

Simon - 08/10/98 05:54:16
My Email:simon.kinsmore@qcc.nsw.gov.au
Where are you from?: Queanbeyan
How did you find me?: At the pool
Love the photos Poledra

M Vanyel - 07/17/98 12:30:45
My URL:http://www2.dynamite.com.au/vanyel/vanyel
My Email:vanyel@dynamite.com.au
Where are you from?: Canberra
How did you find me?: At Roc's...where else
Dear poledra, pol and Tal Pol`eDra Thankyou for letting me see your webpage. May you continue to find joy with your ct family, and may Aldur allow you many more centuries of life with us mere mortals. To boldly go where no cyber bunny has gone before....that's poledra All my love Van

Kah-li - 07/04/98 12:53:51
My Email:r.flynn@wrc-research.ie
Where are you from?: IReland
How did you find me?: the VIP, where else
Nice to meet a David Eddings fan - I love your web site and look forward to meeting you again in the VIP.

Kah-li - 07/04/98 12:53:42
My Email:r.flynn@wrc-research.ie
Where are you from?: IReland
How did you find me?: the VIP, where else
Nice to meet a David Eddings fan - I love your web site and look forward to meeting you again in the VIP.

Keegan - 07/04/98 12:09:08
Where are you from?: North Carolina
How did you find me?: I found you at the vip *S*
Enjoyed your page-the pics are great See you at the VIP *s*

Bud - 07/03/98 17:31:15
My Email:B13_5E@nightmail.com
Where are you from?: east of Kamloops B.C. Canada
How did you find me?: You found me *WG*
To fine wines and even finer Friends may our hearts enjoy our minds your bud BUD

littlebirdie - 06/26/98 06:14:25
Where are you from?: USA NY
How did you find me?: giggles, On D/s_net
We only met for about 15 minutes and I enjoyed the time spent with you. Look forward to seeing you once again #Woodshed D/s_Net.Your web sight was very enjoyable and I think it is wonderful how you restored the memory of your loved ones. btw, I also like Star Trek the original series. Was one of my old time favorites.

William - 05/31/98 06:51:59
My Email:wwiley@hgea.org
Where are you from?: Honolulu, Hawaii
How did you find me?: On the "roof"
Dear Poledra, I loved those old pics of you and your family. You have done a great job with your page. Nice chatting with you tonight and playing trivia.. Aloha, William

Hawk - 05/17/98 04:11:17
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/hi/rskhawk
My Email:rskhawk@concentric.net
Where are you from?: Indiana, USA
How did you find me?: You
Great page. Very informative.

Joan - 05/16/98 00:29:11
My Email:shuttcar@nucleus.com
Where are you from?: Calgary
How did you find me?: on a bus in Britain.....ha ha!!
enjoyed your website!!! i hope one day soon to get started on my own....have put the sunset photo on my desktop..:o)

BEAST - 05/03/98 21:12:25
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~BEAST393/index.html
My Email:Beast393@yahoo.com
Where are you from?: bajor
How did you find me?: kestrel
came to update my info so i resigned

Stinger - 04/30/98 22:00:58
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Baja/3948/
My Email:t.a.murphy@usa.net
Where are you from?: Canada
How did you find me?: Word of Mouth
Hey there! Like you homepage and it was nice chatting with ya in the VIP! Take care and talk to ya soon!.*S*

Ashley Holland - 04/29/98 07:59:46
My Email:deb_ash@apex.net.au
Where are you from?: Queanbeyan
How did you find me?: You told me

Brian Byrne - 04/23/98 00:43:56
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Paris/5685
My Email:mariseo@indigo.ie
Where are you from?: Ireland
How did you find me?: VIP

MAKO - 04/22/98 12:07:53
My Email:Mako25@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: you know!!
How did you find me?: you know!!
HI!! my Queen just popped in to say HI, well I am in the chat room with you now I better get back before I get in trouble!!!*HUGZ/KISSES* MAKO...

bruce & vicki - 04/22/98 09:35:27
My Email:bkimmins@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: Toowoomba
How did you find me?: Picked you up at Burke & Wills hotel
You have not changed a bit from your childhood - send Vicki back an e:mail

Whisper - 04/18/98 13:59:41
My Email:whisper@pronet.net.au
Where are you from?: Gold Coast
How did you find me?: the Pub
Better late than never........huh? and I came even though I'm the black sheep...

Dort - 04/18/98 04:15:33
My Email:kcummins@techpac.com
Where are you from?: Australia
How did you find me?: Thru Bob
You're "other" family are a lovely bunch of wonderful people. Your homepage is magic...a real eye opener. I'm so proud of you. I choke when I think about what you've accomplished and how you've opened up your own horizons. More power to ya! Well done.

~Polar Bear~ - 04/13/98 10:42:57
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Boardwalk/7897
My Email:jmds@alaska.net
Where are you from?: well....you go down the road, left at the barn and lope along until you reach the brown and white cow...from there, you follow the curvy road to the left...you'll come to some water, which you have to swim and when you reach th other side, you have to crawl over the mountains...it's fun I tell you...on the other side of the mountain, there's a little hut...but don't go there...follow the moose trail to the grocery store, where you hop on a bus, go 50 or some odd miles and hit a nice grassy field...don't rest here 'cause you're almost done....go down the lane...take a left, then another left, a right and go straight....finally..you reach my little place in the world most commonly called Alaska
How did you find me?: well...ya see....um...*throws up her paws*...I give up...blew my creativity on that last answer...sorry...*L*
Hey you!...I love your page..it's awesom...am honored to be included!..yay!...*L*...*does happy dance...hops around*..*g*...hey...I have two main pages...here's mon autre place....(O:3....so...gosee them some time...(O3...talk to you in chat! *GreatBigHugeFlooffyPolarBearHug*... ~Polar Bear~

Beast - 04/12/98 21:13:19
Where are you from?: west virginia
How did you find me?: kestrel's my sister rt
I introduced my sis to the pub now look how well versed she is and all the people she knows and how well she does I'm so proud (ha, ha )well have to talk some time when I come staggering in to the vip . nice site ,live long and prosper.

Lisa - 04/10/98 09:58:21
Where are you from?: Jerrabomberra Australia
How did you find me?: You are my Mother!!!
My Darling Mummy Dearest You are the biggest Nerdski Love Your darling daughter Arsebone Lisa

~Midori~ - 04/07/98 10:08:19
My Email:emerald_midori@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: Brisbane, Australia
How did you find me?: VIP..
You have a lovely homepage Poledra...*s* and thanks for the cuppa too....*chuckle* Seeya in the pub...!

Angela (Crysania) - 04/06/98 17:34:26
My Email:lilah@webtv.net
Where are you from?: So.California
How did you find me?: WelshFire
Wow Ruth what a beautiful page verry interesting, thank you for letting me share it and thank you for adding my name to your friends list:) *Hugs* It's great to have new friends, keepyour website growing:)..your friend Angela.crysania.

Dan - 04/06/98 16:44:57
My URL:http://www2.gvsu.edu/~boujould
My Email:sensation@juno.com
Where are you from?: Detroit,MI
How did you find me?: someones guestbook
cool backgrounds. Nice design. dan

Pol - 04/06/98 15:41:08
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Lights/5054
My Email:polforsi@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: U.S.A.
How did you find me?: you told me mother...*s*
Hi mother!! I am just getting around to visiting your page... sorry...*frown* It looks great! Love the "Son/Daughter" reference. *l* Keep up the good work and see you around the VIP...*hugs*

bb - 04/06/98 13:05:36
Where are you from?: nz
How did you find me?: hahahahahaahah
luv ya ruthie ......cuzin BB

*Shenica* - 04/05/98 03:05:18
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~Shenica/Island_Paradise
My Email:shenica@unforgettable.com
Where are you from?: US Virgin Islands
How did you find me?: VIP
Wonderful page! Hope to chat with you some more soon! Shen

Annie - 04/05/98 02:45:56
My URL:http:// - don't have one yet - but Christmas is coming
My Email:chanks@ticnet.com
Where are you from?: Arlington, TX
How did you find me?: you told me to go here - remember?
Great page, Pol. Hope I can come up with something as interesting when I get my page. *L* See ya back in the Pub.

Malakai - 04/03/98 11:15:27
Where are you from?: Nz
How did you find me?: Not Telling *G*
I bet you speak fluent klingon too.*G* Nice Page Boss, upset you dont have your ICQ friends on there *snif*

moongirl - 04/03/98 08:32:35
My Email:jeanna_m@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: australia
How did you find me?: vip
congrats on the page pol... i'm very impressed... can't help but feel a little sad that i didn't make it to the list *sob*... but don't worry about me... i'm happy to pale into insignificance it's okay *L* i'll get over it... see ya

Dave Walters a.k.a. Ice or Spawn - 04/03/98 03:11:13
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Paris/Bistro/7695/
My Email:ice375@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: London, Ontario, Canada
How did you find me?: In The Pub, By You Telling Me
David Edding's is an amazing author one of my favs and I wish he would write a book about Beldin's life like he did with Belgarath and Polgara. My favourite characters in his books are Hettar, Silk, Queen Poreen, Ce'Nedra, and of course Garion. Well see ya in the pub laterz

Lucy & Madison Hardgrave - 04/03/98 00:49:26
Where are you from?: Queanbeyan NSW
How did you find me?: Destiny
We love your home page its a real reflection of what your all about, a very warm and loveing person. Special friends are few and special moments are always cherished especially when you have been a part of Maddies first important years in learning to swim Every swim with or without you will be for Aunty Ru!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.

fozzie bear - 04/03/98 00:19:35
My Email:madmaxx@cei.net
Where are you from?: Booneville Arkansas
How did you find me?: the roof
I love you! You are so nice, i hope to speak with you a lot more, well I better go since you are waiting on me on the other side!

Jaye Tahkeal - 04/01/98 21:56:19
My Email:mynameismud@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: Yakima, Wa., U.S.A.
How did you find me?: thru DK bro
way cool page!! I like I like!! weehoo!! Danka for letting me see Gramz!!

Sharon - 03/30/98 14:11:08
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/paris/rue/4524
My Email:shazabelle@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: Ireland
How did you find me?: VIP
Well Poledra, nice homepage, well done *pat on the back* and congrats on your Graduation! *S* All the best
Sharon aka Shazabelle

MysTress - 03/30/98 12:47:16
How did you find me?: VIP
Love it Poledra!

BuckHannah - 03/30/98 04:04:05
My Email:JS1190@toro.awc.cc.az.us
Where are you from?: Arizona
How did you find me?: Virtual Irish Pub

tank - 03/30/98 02:24:55
My Email:tank1@goplay.com
Where are you from?: Deer Park, Texas
How did you find me?: a gift from God
Hello Love, Your page gets an "A+" See you in the Pub or ICQ.. Tedaka Pappa

Tom Sweeney - 03/29/98 21:40:42
My URL:http://dunno...*L*
My Email:Docsweeny@aol.com
Where are you from?: Augusta...doh doh.
How did you find me?: You yelled at me....*pouts*
nice homepage Sis...hands her blue pig and blankie.

Rick(Rohan) - 03/29/98 19:50:37
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/Battlefield/8957/ROHAN.html
My Email:rohan49@yahoo.com
Where are you from?: winnipeg,manitoba,canada
How did you find me?: from kes!!
gentle!! i do have a rep to uphold you know...*l*...going and telling everyone something like that!! sheesh!!*lol* and who is blossem??

Ledger - 03/29/98 12:25:58
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/WallStreet/Floor/6856
My Email:eas@indigo.ie
Where are you from?:
How did you find me?: From the VIP
Nice interesting Page Pol. Must say enjoy talking to you you are fun....

Brock - 03/29/98 10:52:59
Where are you from?:
How did you find me?: Under the cabbage patch
Hmmmm.....Not bad for a big sister!!!...I suppose......Actually I'm quite proud of ya' Pol!!..Well done!!...Hope you get lots of nice visitors here....Hmmm...might have to read some of those wolfie books....If I can ever find time!!!

A Touch of Class - 03/29/98 10:50:25
My Email:atoc48@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: Australia
How did you find me?: Dewey introduced us, in the Pub!!
Apart from the presumed presence of Capt. Kirk in the SS Enterprise, this is a very good homepage, Poledra. Thanks for adopting me into the pack - I am honoured to be Auntie Atoc to you, Tom and Brock. I do wish, though, that you would be more careful with the chocky milk, love. You are, none the less, the pivot of the pack (dirty frock or not). Impatient, overactive, bright,naughty, humourous, loyal - we all love you. Pam (Auntie Atoc)

flicka - 03/29/98 09:45:16
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/RainForest/8948
My Email:lilleflicka@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: australia
How did you find me?: the pub *smiles*
Hi Pol.....hay this is really looking good...um ... you havent made many concessions to old eyes have you?*laughs*..
seriously I like what you have done and I am pleased to call you friend*hug*

WELSH FIRE - 03/29/98 05:28:25
My Email:welshfire@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: u know! *grin*
How did you find me?: under a rock *g*
Thank you for adding me as a special friend! *hugs* but then...u r my Niece! *swolly kiss*

Kestrel - 03/29/98 05:17:55
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Cove/7526/
My Email:kestrel@mypad.com
Where are you from?: The States!
How did you find me?: You're my Grannie!
well, Grannie... I just erased your old book.. *sigh* Sorry!! But I think your page looks great! *G* *HUGE BLOSSOM TYPE HUGS* Thanks for the bat, btw... someone has to keep the family in line when you're not there! *L*

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