


Poledra is a disciple of the God Aldur.
Her original form is that of a wolf.
Her favourite form is that of a Snowy White Owl.

Her husband Belgarath (who also takes the form of a wolf) the first disciple

and the others...Beldin and the twins Beltira and Belkira have for centuries guided and protected the line of Riva Iron Grip to produce Belgarion the Godslayer in their fight against Torak the God of Angarak.

Now that peace has been restored she and Belgarath have retired once more to the Vale of Aldur to enjoy the togetherness they were forced to forgo during the centuries long struggle.

If you are interested in finding out more about this tale, you will find it in the series called The Belgariad by David Eddings.

To a wolf, the pack is important and the safety of the pack is utmost.
Right now my own pack is scattered.... I myself am in america

Poledra personifies this role and has thus inspired me to share with you, my guest, my internet pack or family.

Other Special Friends from the VIP

I am now in my mid fifties...my how the time has flown since i last played around on here, born in Australia to English parents from Sunderland, I have an older brother Trevor.
I have just completed my Bachelor of Teaching (Further Education & Training) degree and graduated on the 17th April 1998 at the

University of Southern Queensland
I am currently in the USA working with special needs... i am waterfront director at a summercamp from late may to late august.. then the rest of the year.. take special needs adults on vacations I have the best of both worlds ...working with the kids and the adults... they give you so much, the most rewarding time i have ever spent
Camp LeeMar
The Guided Tour

I am a nationally accredited Workplace Trainer Category lV and hold qualifications in Human Resources.
In summer I teach swimming and hold both Austswim and Royal Lifesaving Australia Instructor Certificates, as well as now USA Red Cross Certified.
My interests are Swimming, reading scifantasy, watching original series Star Trek and Ten Pin Bowling.
I have a two year visa currently applying for green card...my boss wont let me leave...and am travelling and seeing lots of america.
I do not have any biological children. However I gained Kim and Tony when I married my husband, Bob and together we are Foster Parents to Danielle and Lisa, Danielle is the proud and wonderful mother to Ruby and Edith Lisa the same for Mia and the twins Charley and Estelle born in may 2007.My nephew Rodney has three great kids that i talk to online, the wonders of the internet ... Lauren, Jessica and James
To me, family is important and I will do anything legal to protect my children.
Come have a look in my photo album Photo Album

Thank you for visiting my page, please feel free to come back anytime
as I am continually playing around in here and changing things.