born 2nd October 1993

Tiffany age 4 Tiffany age 4+

These are my 5 year old daughter Tiffany taken February 1998.

Tiffany at 1 day old

This is Tiffany just a few minutes old.

Joseph kissing Tiffany

This is my sister Julies son Joseph kissing Tiffany.

Tiffanys dance group after performing Run Rabbit Run. Shes at the back on the right.

Tiff on TFI Friday

Tiffany does modelling and Friday 5th June 98 appeared on TFI Friday as an angel with Thomas as a Devil.

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Tiffany does Sports Aerobics and in October 2001 took part in the British Championships in Birmingham.

"To Tiffany with love from Connie & Heather."

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Please come back soon and visit me.