The Simpsonclan Geneaology Page
Hi I'm Lesley

I live in Kent in the UK

"Since being on the Internet I have met my great friend Connie, and although we have never met in person I feel I've known her all my life. Please visit her website when you have visited mine."

My interests are geneology, competitions and the West Ham Football Club.

Our page is based on our family and geneaology. If you have an interest in my geneology please visit the family tree page.


Please browse our family photos on the following pages

My Daughter Tiffany My Daughter Kelly
My Family My Grandparents
My Extended Family My Friend Connie
Photos of Me My Musical Tastes
My Friends My Gifts
My Awards

Click here to see my family tree (so-far)
My Family Tree


"My friend, Connie, gave me this friendship heart.
She has the other half."

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Ladies of the Heart



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