Old Photos
Some Older Pictures!
Most of these were taken before we moved
to our present home.
D.J.& MuffinI
(Sisters)D.J.is my son's cat(1985)
Muffin(the first)
She was a beautiful cat and I loved her dearly,
but she had to cross the street! (1987)
"Got ya!"Bruno & MuffinI playing in the snow.
A cute stray a neighbor took in.(1987)
"Don't I make a good Halloween decoration?"
Minnie & Mac
"You can't get me now!"
Max & Bruno
It must be my turn now!(1987)
"Chewing that bone makes you tired!"
Minnie & Muffin I
Minnie & our first Muffin,back in 1988.
I can't hold this "smile" forever!(1988)
A nice warm bed, What could be better!
Minnie, Misty, Mac.
"She's not asleep,her eyes are open."
Misty and Mac
Waiting for the door to
"I'm hanging in there."
Bruno & Minnie
"Mom, Minnie is after my Xmas sock"(1988)
"Another sweater this year."(1989)
"OK, this is going to far!
Minnie & Mac
OK, who gets the remote!(1989)
Come on in the water is gone!(1989)
When an hour long show on baby birds came on TV
Minnie watched it all,and wasn't pleased with the commerical breaks either!(1989)
4 M'S
It looks cold out there!
"CAT NAP" Muffin,Mac with Misty in the front.
"I'm not that old, I can't catch the string!"
"Take a break"
Jeremiah & Muffin
"I'm not staying here with her there!"
Midnight and Wrinkles

Having fun while Mom watches
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