Meet some of our Dog Pals
Chestnut Grove
Joschi's birthday party!
Wally & Katie
"Do we have to sit for a picture again?"
Wally & Katie were born in England,their "Mom" got them
when she was visiting there.She has angora goats and makes sweaters, etc. from the mohair.(taken 1987)
Both Wally and Katie are now at Rainbow Bridge
"How cute I was in/87-You wouldn't think it's me in/92!Of course now I'm beautiful!"
Fritz lives with my sister and came from SHAID(shelter)
Fritz is now now at Rainbow Bridge
Jake liked to fetch and loved
to go out in the boat.He lived with Fluffy.
Jake is now at Rainbow Bridge
Medway (on right)playing with a friend!
Medway is now at Rainbow Bridge
Lord over all!Grizzley may look tough but
he's a loveable dog & loves to give"kisses." He is my younger
sister's dog.
Grizzley is now at Rainbow Bridge
Blackjack lives quite a distance away,but comes to visit every day.
"Boy, It's hot,I should
have taken a hat"(Blackjack,with us, at the beach-Aug.1998)Blackjack moved away with his family, Aug.1999,so we don't see him every day now, and I miss his "conversations"(he loved to talk) I know he is doing well and is not roaming as much now.
"Aren't I cute!" "The others couldn't do anything with this, what do they expect
ME to do with it!"
Rambo & his family came to visit summer.(1998)
"Is that present bigger than this one." This Breagha is one of Sheba's pups, I know she has a great home, with a loving "Mom & Dad"& lots of space to run & play. She is a very smart dog.
Knotsie & Max
These are Wally & Katie's offspring. They are as smart as their Mom and Dad and just as good looking! Knotsie is
"dad's"little helper, she helps take in fire wood, carry the mail,she also will carry an egg to the house without breaking it.
She makes sure the goats don't get out of their pasture and the chickens don't get in the flower garden. (1998)
WeeBobbie & Max
When WeeBobbie's mother didn't look after him,Max took
her place. He would let his "mom" know when the baby goat wanted
something to eat or just a hug.
Knotsie & Max are now at Rainbow Bridge
This sweet dog came from
a shelter, she was lucky as one of the staff took her home. She
& her family were to visit this summer.
Callie is now at Rainbow Bridge
"Aren't I the cutiest pup
you ever saw!" Teddy is the newest addition to Callie's family,
she came from the the same shelter.
Teddy is now at Rainbow Bridge
This lucky dog now has a great home,thanks
to my neighbor!
Sasha is now at Rainbow Bridge
Shira & Cesar
These two beauties are all the way from Austria! Click on
the picture to go to Cesar's page.
Breagha (again)
Hey, Mom you can't do this! (her love for balls comes from her Mother, Sheba.)
Another sweet pup!
This is Laddie at 8 months, the day he went to his new home!(summer 1999)

Aren't I just the most handsome fellow! And I'm visiting with Gramma & Grampa (Grizzley & Beamer's Mom & Dad)Oct.1999 (Caper lives with Chevy!)
Isn't this the sweetest picture! Bet you can't guess what she was eating!!
Trini is now at Rainbow Bridge
When this beautiful dog's family moved and gave her to a neighbor, she didn't want to stay, and kept coming back to her old home, so when my sister-in-law and family bought the house they got sally as a bonus . Now she is one of the family along with Trini.
Sally is now at Rainbow Bridge
Another lucky dog and a sweet one too! His "Mom's" site is a great place to visit!
Scooter is now at Rainbow Bridge
This beautiful dog (I hope) has a loving home at this time.His first owner loved him,but between 2 small children and work there wasn't much time for CharlieHere he is with Midnight's ball!!
Clickhere for a really great recipe for dog biscuits( Mine really love them!)
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