

Solomon had 700 wives and 300 concubines. Anaversaries must have been a problem, but hey how would you like to have 700 mother-in-laws.

Bethlehem means "House of Bread"

An omer is equal to two US quarts.

After Saul killed himself, the Philistines cut off his head and hung it in a temple. 1 Chronicles 10:10

Ham, son of Noah built Nineveh. Genesis 10:11

When Lot and his daughters moved out of Zoar, they lived in a cave. Genesis 19:30

Nahor, (the grandfather of Abraham) means "snorer"

Talk about large families how about these:

Jair, a judge of Israel, had 30 sons who rode 30 donkeys, and controlled 30 towns. Judges 10:3-4

Ibzan, also a judge, had 30 sons and daughters. Judges 12:9

Abdon, another judge, had 40 sons and 30 grandsons who rode on 70 donkeys. Judges 12:14

Hey if you're looking for a good foreman Nehemiah's your man:

With Nehemiah as foreman, It took only 52 days to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem. Nehemiah 5:15

We all know that Jonah went to Nineveh to minister as a prophet, but did you know that Nahum was also a prophet that ministered in Nineveh. Nahum 1:1

In Romans 15:19, Paul mentions Illyricum, that in modern day Albania and Yougoslavia.

Noah's son Shem, is the ancestor to all Jewish people. Genesis 11:10-26

Acording to Job 19:17 Job's wife thought he had bad breath (wouldn't that make a good advertisement for Scope)

Rhonda, was the name of the servent girl who answered the door when Peter escaped from jail. Acts 12:13(Must have been the inspiration for the song "Help Me Rhonda")

Talk about one fickel woman Abigail saved her silly husband from David's wrath, then after the guy died, went and married David. 1 Samuel 25

Cain the man of many first:.......

He built the first city Gen. 4:17....He committed the first murder Gen. 4:8......He was the first farmer Gen. 4:2....

Acording to Judges 19:10 Jerusalem was once known as Jebus.

Abraham had two nephews there name's Uz and Buz. Gen. 22:21

Talk about your King Sized Bed,......Og, King of Bashan had a bed made of Iron 13 feet long and 6 feet wide. Deuteronomy 3:11

For Those who like Camping Here are the Rules:

1. Don't eat anything with wings. Leviticus 11:23 (sorry about that to all you ministers that like Chicken)
2. No tripping blind People. Leviticus 19:14
3. No tattoos alowed. Leviticus 20:28
4. If you own a slave and knock out his tooth you must set him free. Exodus 21:27
5. Do not charge interest to a fellow camper. (However you may charge interest to foreigners) Deut. 23:20
6. No eating tendons attched to the hip of an animal. (Just for reference check out and see what happen to Jacob for breaking this rule) Gen. 32:24ff.
7. Prayer will be held at 3:00 P.M. Acts 3:1

And Now for the 10 Commandments:
Exodus 20:3-17

1. You shall have no other gods before me.
2. You shall not make for yourself an idol.
3. You shall not misuse the name of the Lord your God.
4. Remember the sabbath day by keeping it holy.
5. Honor your father ane your mother.
6. You shall not murder.
7. You shall not commit adultry.
8. You shall not steal.
9. You shall not give false testimony against your neighbor.
10. You shall not covet anything belonging to your neighbor.


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