Pic of Kim

Hi, I'm Kimberly!

I am 4 years old, but I'm already looking forward to my birthday in January. Seems like it takes forever to come!

I go to Children's Discovery Center during the day, where I have some really great buddies - Jaimie and Dara are really fun to play with, and I''ve met a bunch more new friends since I started in the Pre-Kindergarten class in late August. My teachers this year are Ms. Felicia and Ms. Dawn.  They are both really nice. In the afternoon, Ms. Judy comes in to take over for Ms. Felicia, and she's great too.

At school this year weer doing lots of fun things. We have circle time in the morning, when we talk about the weather, the calendar, and we sing sings and talk about what we'll do that day.   After that, we get to do all kinds of activities, depending on what day it is.  Sometimes we have Spanish lessons, or have computer time, or art, or science.  We also have lots of different "centers" in our room, and we have the chance to choose what we will do when we're not doing those other fun things.

Another really fun thing that we do at my school is called the Fun Bus. It's a school bus that has been filled with balls, slides, mats and other fun things to climb on. Fridays are Fun Bus days, and I always am happy when I wake up on Fun Bus days.

When we went on vacation to Tulsa last summer, Mike and I got a chance to play a lot with our cousins, Karla, Katy, Joey and Tyler.  I really liked that, and so I drew a picture of them one day at school.  The caption on the picture says "My best friends:  Katy, Karla, Joey and Tyler."  Can you see the rainbow in the picture?

Soon I'll have more things on my page, but for now, have fun looking around the other stuff. Thanks for stopping by, and don't forget to sign our guestbook.


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