The Times of Barb (Hays)
Clayton at Doctor's Hospital
On a sad note: we would like to inform anyone who visits this
page that Dr.'s Hospital was closed upon Memorial Day 2003. Good luck
to all that worked there and may you hold the memories from there in
your heart.
Here we find the many friends of Barb (Hays) Clayton at work in the ER
at Doctor's Hospital in Springfield, Illinois
More pics to follow!!!
Nurse Barb Clayton
Graduate of St. John's School of Nursing,1990
Nurse Barb to the rescue!
I promise it won't hurt a bit...I swear!!
Here is Jim hard at work!
Devon's Going Away Party!
We'll miss you Devon!

Deanna and Jim at work

Left To Right:
Paula and Karen--don't they look cute!
Left To Right:
Michelle and Paula--Smile Girls!!!!

Chris and Lynnie in the nurses break room
Our Dapper Dan Dr. Vijil and Barb
Yadda Yadda Yadda.......
Dr. Riesenberger--SHHHHHH!! He's BUSY!
The life of Barbara outside the doors of
Doctor's Hospital!
Barb works for Interim Health Care
She does special in home cases
These two boys are just a couple of her patients
Left To Right:
Taylor, Nurse Barb Clayton holding Austin Parton
who died in February of 2000
He will be missed and I dedicate this to him

Austin Parton
Austin Parton

Cody Talkington
Awwwwwwwwww Ain't HE cute!!!!!!

The Talkington Family
Left to Right in back:
Chris and Christopher Talkington
Left To Right in front:
Amanda and Caitlyn Talkington
Amanda is holding Cody
Barb hard at work at the 1999 Children's Miracle
Network Telethon held at St. John's Hospital in Centennial
© 2000