War, War, War.......

This war talk's spoilin all the parties this spring....

There was a land of Cavaliers and Cotton Fields
called the Old South. Here in this pretty world,
Gallantry took its last bow. Here was the last ever
to be seen of Knights and their Ladies Fair,
of Master and of Slave. Look for it only in books,
for it is no more than a dream remembered,
a Civilization gone with the wind...

This is a photo of Howard Malcolm Blewett, he is the Paternal 2nd Great Grandfather of Barbara Elaine (Hays) Clayton. He served with the Confederacy with Companies B, D, and L with the 2nd Kentucky Cavalry. He rode with Morgan's Raiders and was captured at Rankin Point, Ohio in 1863. He was a prisoner of war until 1865 and was hospitalized at Chimborazo Hospital in Richmond,Virginia for over 6 months due to severe malnutrition. Howard Malcolm Blewett was the spouse of Elizabeth McElwain. Howard Malcolm Blewett was the son of Edward Blewett, who was the son of Eli Blewett, who was the son of William Blewett. A book is being written about the Blewett family and how the Civil War tore this family apart. The book is entitled "True Confederates", the author is my cousin Robert Crook of Louisiana. Barb (Hays) Clayton, born 23 June 1958 in Springfield, Illinois, the daughter of the late Dewey and Florence (Altevogt) Hays. Barb's mother was of German ancestry and records of 5 generations of Altevogt's are on file in Montgomery County, Illinois. Dewey Carroll Hays born 14 December 1927 in Decatur, Illinois was the son of Otis and May (Thomas) Hays. Dewey died 14 January 1994 in Springfield, Illinois and is buried at Oak Ridge Cemetery in Springfield, Il. May Lena (Thomas) Hays was the daughter of the late Willis and Alice (Blewett) Thomas, born 04 April 1904 in Meadowlock, Kentucky and died 23 August 1948 in Decatur, Illinois. May (Thomas)Hays is buried in Fairlawn Cemetery in Decatur, Illinois. Alice (Blewett) Thomas was the daughter of Howard Malcolm and Elizabeth V. (McElwain) Blewett, born December 1870 in Warren County, Kentucky and she died 26 May 1942 in Bowling Green, Warren County, Kentucky. Elizabeth (McElwain) Blewett was the daughter of John Sampson and Nancy Ann (Hurt)McElwain. John McElwain was the son of Samson and Frances (McElwain) McElwain, no error! Frances (McElwain) McElwain was the daughter of Alexander and Frances (Rowden) McElwain, both natives of Londonderry, now Derry County, Ireland. Every generation of these McElwain's are buried in Simpson and Logan County, Kentucky.

Confederate States of

Yankee Soil-UGH!!

Pictured here are Belinda Clayton and Andrew Clayton.
Andrew, the brave Confederate soldier going to war on his
mighty steed, that holds his sword in salute to the
Belinda is the fair southern belle who wishes the boys
in gray, good luck against those Yankees!!
This picture was taken in 1983 at the Irving Homecoming
Parade in Irving,Illinois.

Belinda the fair Southern Belle
This picture was taken at Victorian Times Inn
Bed and Breakfast in Carlinville,Illinois in June
of 1996.

Pictured Left To Right:
Barb (Hays) Clayton, President Margaret Richardson,
and Belinda Clayton.
Barb and Belinda are descendants of Howard Malcolm Blewett.
They became official members of the United Daughters of the
Confederacy 31 May 1999.
They are members of Missouri Confederate Dames #1225.

Barb's UDC Badge which she shares with her daughter
Belinda, until Belinda gets her badge

This logo is for Andrew Clayton, son of Barbara (Hays) Clayton, who is a member of Lt. Col. William H. Fulkerson Camp #1659 of the Sons of Confederate Veterans in Illinois.

Andrew's SCV Badge

General John Hunt Morgan, CSA

John Hunt Morgan was born June 1, 1825 in Huntsville, Alabama, and moved to Lexington, Kentucky, as a young boy. He supported Kentucky neutrality at the start of the war but was compelled to join the Confederate forces after his state declared its support for the Union. He officially enlisted in the Confederate Army on October 27, 1861, and was quickly promoted to the rank of Colonel after leading the 2nd Kentucky Cavalry on a successful campaign behind enemy lines.
Morgan's guerrilla tactics earned him the nickname "Francis Marion of the War" and inspired the Confederacy's Partisan Ranger Act of April 21, 1862 which authorized President Davis to commission units of Partisan Rangers for detached guerrilla operations. Morgan was infamous for his raids from Tennessee into Kentucky by which he would not only disrupt enemy communications by tapping into Union telegraph lines, but also round up fresh troops and supplies for the Confederate Army. The raids of the romantic Morgan thrilled Southerners throughout the Confederacy and struck fear in the heart of many a Yankee.
Morgan went on to be promoted to Brigadier General and commander of the Department of Western Virginia and East Tennessee. On September 4, 1864, Gen. John Hunt Morgan was killed in Tennessee en route to attack federal forces at Knoxville, leaving behind his wife, Martha, pregnant with their daughter. He is buried in the city of Lexington where an equestrian statue, unveiled in 1911, exemplifies his appeal as a symbol of the Confederate cause.

We put this here to represent the cavalry in which
Howard Malcolm Blewett rode with

This is a picture of a Confederate war cannon
that now sits in front of the old Montgomery County
Courthouse in Hillsboro,Illinois

Oak Woods is the most significant historic cemetery of Chicago's South Side. Buried here are such figures as Mayors Thompson and Washington, crime boss Big Jim Colosimo, Olympian Jesse Owens, civil rights activist Ida B. Wells, and physicist Enrico Fermi. Six thousand Confederate soldiers, prisoners of war who died at Camp Douglas, are buried together beneath a towering monument.
One section of Oak Woods is known as the "Confederate Mound". A 46-foot monument stands alone, surrounded by cannon and cannonballs. Buried around it are an estimated six thousand soldiers and sailors of the Confederacy.
Camp Douglas was a prisoner of war internment camp near the 35th-street estate of Stephen Douglas, named for the late senator. Like all P.O.W. camps of its day, it was rife with communicable diseases - smallpox and dysentery. Conditions were appalling, and thousands died. A group of prisoners plotted to escape the camp and capture Chicago for the Confederacy, but were thwarted by Allan Pinkerton. By the end of the war, thousands had died and been buried in the North Side's old City Cemetery.

Andrew in front of "The Confederate Mound"

Camp Douglas

I got an award!!


Links to other sites on the Web

OFFICIAL Gone with the Wind Homepage

The Dixie League of the South Page

Miss Terri's

Sons of Confederate Veterans

The Confederate Network

Morgan's Men

This Confederate Ring site is owned by Barb Clayton!

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Yankee's In Georgia!! How'd they ever get in!!!

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