
Welcome to our page! First batch ever to have its own site in the net. This page was published to bridge the gap of communication among us, Isabelinas -especially people of the batch '99- all over the globe.

All Seniors '99 are welcome to give their contributions to the site. Links to personalized kada pages may be posted with its author. Email me for add-ons and information about this site.

Please DO NOT forget to sign our Message Board... all the say-it's you wanna say! Also, for better browsing, adjust your screen area to 1024 x 768.


See the GRAD AWARDS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Commencement Exercises and Awarding Ceremonies - March 1999, Colegio de Sta. Isabel

Meet the ISABELINAS ONLINE and see their SITES. . . . . . . . . . . 2
Isabelinas not only have emails but sites too! ! Also, join our Circles! Seniors99 and CSi Peeps! You can email your addresses for inclusion

Miss Your Class ? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . 3
You miss your class dontcha?? Want to see your class pic??? Forgot how your adviser looks! This is your chance to laugh at your classmate again!

Hey! Don't forget to Sign and View the MESSAGE BOARD . . . . . . . 4
Sshhhhhhhh!!!! Chismis corner 'to!

It's time to recognize our bands. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Prometheus Unbound and Smog!

Know the BATCH '99 Achievers! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
The wall in Jacob St. holds the name of our BATCH Assets! Yeba yeba!

Reminiscing: The Best of Seniors '99 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Here are some picture clips of the event!


Posing outside 10 humility's classroom..see them... laugh at them!!!

jaz posing

Sophomore Year with Miss Gonazeles!

Miss G: "..and sexual reproduction happens like that.. want me to demonstrate? Okay go get Sir Eusebio..."

Together we stand! United we're strong! Divided?.... never!

Junior Year at Pacol
What's New?

Now all you people can check out our New Chat channel using MIRC. You can download the software here. The channel is open 24/7. So come in at our own #csi_sen99 !!!

What people have to say about


"Nice homepage! What an amazing work! Regards to my former teachers - Ma'ams Climaco, Avila,Orbita, San Lorenzo,etc. Beautiful pictures!"

--Leni Robredo , 3 Dec

"Sige na nga.. maganda na nga.."

--Nancy Repane-Velayo (Batch '70), Dec 19


make your stand! support elagda!

Finally! The people has

This SITE has been visited

times since October 1998.

QUOTABLE QUOTES: (want some more?)

"...Si Mimay napangalas kan nahiling nya an saiyang lawas...demonyo... ano ining homepage ta na ini binakal ni Melody? saro pa, sina ja2, hanica, gaile, pat, sinabotahe ako. pinutol ba naman si pcture ko. napanô ? dakulang insulto sa sakong pagkatao! demonyo (20x)! Oh, si tinay, naghahapot man. nasain man daa. desperada na pating maray. hinahanap ang picture nya duman sa mga grad. grup pix na garo mga tanga as in ant. like u know! sa susunod ngani ipamareta kung masarabmitan nin picture ta nganing makasabmit man kami ni teenai nin 1000x1000 na picture, dakula pa duman sa picture ni Buday (Melody) Anggot ako! sinasabi ko saindo anggot ako! gusto kong idukot ang litrato ko sa monitor, Urag! 100X .."

-- mimay divinagracia
Seniors '99 Batch Representative


The Webmistress is a member
of the
HTML Writers Guild


All graduates of Colegio de Sta. Isabel are also welcome to post me for links to their SITE, or others.
Copyright 2001-2002
CSi Seniors '99
Email D Webmistress at csi_sen99@hotmail.com