Thank you for visiting my Website. Be sure to come back often. This site is still under construction! JoAnne

11/15/00 02:59:11
How did you find our site?: Barb B. Do you have afghans?: NO-6 POODLES, 3 CATS AND A BLUE AND GOLD mACAW

Hope to hear from you soon regarding one of your babies, I have 6 poodles, 3 cats and an very pushy Blue and Gold Macaw, your site is wonderful, I have examined it every night, makes me very lonely for my boy,

06/22/00 13:14:28
Name: Hannele Stahl My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How did you find our site?: Afghans Data Pages
Do you have afghans?: Yes, 3

You have nice pages, I just enjoyed it. Good luck to the future!! Hannele Stahl, ZHANNEL´S Finland.

03/14/00 00:00:18
Name: Rosa My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How did you find our site?: Database
Do you have afghans?: yes

Hello, i view yor afghans. it is a very nice. i send a greeting for the friends of Sankyha Afghans from Spain . Good futur four yours

03/09/00 01:36:28
Name: Natalie Holloway My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How did you find our site?: netscape search engine
Do you have afghans?: Not presently, recently lost mine.

I was wondering if you had any afghan puppies available, or if you knew anyone who does.

02/27/00 05:57:44
Name: jenifer perry My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How did you find our site?: search
Do you have afghans?: yes one

goodpage im in love with my afghan(agardor)

02/27/00 05:54:36
Name: jenifer perry My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How did you find our site?: search
Do you have afghans?: yes one

goodpage im in love with my afghan(agardor)

02/03/00 04:38:38
Name: Val Hiller My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How did you find our site?: afghanhound onelist
Do you have afghans?: Yes

When do we get to see a photo of "The Alchemist" as an adult? Would love to see one!

11/24/99 23:29:05
Name: Gary Byington My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How did you find our site?: Steve
Do you have afghans?: Only 13 now

JoAnne, Enjoyed the site, very nicely done! Good colours. Gary

10/21/99 19:53:23
Name: Maja My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Do you have afghans?: No,I have Scottish terriers

Good work with Your dogs. Nice site and beautiful dogs! Good luck in the future!!!! Maja and Scotties!

08/06/99 06:32:35
My URL: Visit Me


04/30/99 05:37:19
Name: Vicky Glidewell My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How did you find our site?: Afghan Data base
Do you have afghans?: yes 1currently

I really enjoyed seeing & finding the progress of Chances Are. I remember seeing him in the Afghan Review (about 4-5 yrs ago?) when you were first starting with him.... WOW... and now I can even see his finished offspring. We are thinking about adding ano her Afghan to our lifes (number 3) in the last 20yrs. I love our unique hounds and our home would not be home, without a Afghan Hound stretched out on the couch. Chances Are always captured the perfect look for a hound. There was a different close up you sed in the Review I was hoping to see it again when I found your site. Our next Afghan will be for some showing however I am also persuing field coursing as well. I have really enjoyed all the info found on the data exchange base as we are trying to decid which bloodlines/type to start with; and what a extensive source to have. Your dogs have a very houndy look that clicks with us and they represent a very nice picture of an exotic hound. Keep up the good work, wish you were closer, Vicky in Central Orego .

02/26/99 05:15:48
Name: bdog My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How did you find our site?: Site Hounds webring.
Do you have afghans?: SOrt of...

Well, I've pretty much taken possession of my boyfriend's afghan, I've never particularly liked dogs before, but afghans are sooo different. Your kennel seems to be producing some quality specimens. Keep it up!

02/26/99 00:24:23
Name: Christine My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How did you find our site?: web search
Do you have afghans?: Would like to!

I'm considering getting a puppy late this year sometime. I'm willing to wait for just the right one. Any advice or information about getting afghan is appreciated!

01/28/99 18:37:59
Name: karen My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How did you find our site?: surfing around
Do you have afghans?: yes

Looks good and seems very friendly!

10/07/98 02:37:47
Name: suzi My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How did you find our site?: browsing steve's site - again!
Do you have afghans?: of course! :-)

great pages jb! head shot of suade is wonderful!

10/03/98 01:12:20
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.

09/23/98 17:31:18
Name: Cinzia Aymaretti Camia My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How did you find our site?: By the AH Related homepage
Do you have afghans?: Yes,we've a kennel

Lovely Afghans and nice homepage! We are looking forward to visit it again! We're building a big homepage... but now visit our page on Steve's database! Cinzia Aymaretti, GRAN PAMIR AH, Italy

09/18/98 22:45:53
Name: Lane Gilreath My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How did you find our site?: Email
Do you have afghans?: No. But, looking!

Thanks for the email you sent. I'll most certainly keep you in mind when I am going to get a pup. This will be in January 1999. Thanks again!!

07/29/98 14:57:10
Name: Amethyst
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Just surfed into your site and really enjoyed my visit to your site.


07/24/98 03:08:13
Name: Jim Turner My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Do you have afghans?: No.

JoAnne--I did not realize that this address which I saw earlier was your homepage. Thought it was just some of that cyber stuff. Anyway, thanks for your note. I'll visit this again. Time for bed@

07/21/98 21:20:39
Name: Chip My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How did you find our site?: You gave it to me.
Do you have afghans?: No

Nice site and nice Animals. You aren't too bad either. (Grin)

07/03/98 19:40:55
Name: Jessica Jansson My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How did you find our site?: just surfed on it
Do you have afghans?: Yes

Your dogs are lovely! I have bookmarked your page and i´m looking forward to visit you again! /Jessica

05/26/98 21:25:54
Name: Trecor Craig My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How did you find our site?: usrcc
Do you have afghans?: no

I have a whippet and love him.I think afgans are pretty

05/14/98 04:52:07
Name: Isabel Presse
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me


05/04/98 23:01:12
My Email: Email Me How did you find our site?: Carol Rivette
Do you have afghans?: yes - 1-2yr. male

Beautiful page! It really compliments your lovely Afghans.

04/26/98 05:41:34
Name: Truman My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How did you find our site?: webring
Do you have afghans?: no, 7 basenjis & 4 cats that drive the basenjis crazy

Nice site, nice dogs. :-) Come visit our group's site, when you have time.

04/02/98 21:45:09
Name: Chris Anderson
My URL: Visit Me


04/02/98 21:42:45
My URL: Visit Me


03/29/98 16:52:25
Name: Pat My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How did you find our site?: friend told me about it
Do you have afghans?: are Standard Schnauzers the same as Afghans?

My what nice dogs you have, particularly "Chance," for Afghans! Check out mine to see the similarity. Nice progress on your web page.

03/28/98 16:08:17
Name: perry My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How did you find our site?: forwarded via e-mail
Do you have afghans?: yes

its looking good!

03/28/98 00:42:29
Name: Carol Rivette My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How did you find our site?: just lucky :o)
Do you have afghans?: Yes

Just checking to see what works.

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